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Posts posted by Valaryon

  1. Thas'alann from the Prophecy RP Team. Thas'alann - meaning Heart of the Forest - is an ancient colony of the High Elves, lost through time. After landing on the Lordaeron continent, they moved inland and formed a settlement in the Tirisfal Glades. After a few years, however, many were driven insane. The belief at the time was that something evil slept beneath the Glades, so the High Elves abandoned the region and moved northwards. Now the site has turned ruined through time as the Elves magic fades and the overgrowth takes control of the land once more.


    We're always open to criticisms, if you see something you don't like or think of a way we can improve let us know!

    Want to help? Contact Valaryon#6825 on Discord or on!

  2. Thas'alann from the Prophecy RP Team. Thas'alann - meaning Heart of the Forest - is an ancient colony of the High Elves, lost through time. After landing on the Lordaeron continent, they moved inland and formed a settlement in the Tirisfal Glades. After a few years, however, many were driven insane. The belief at the time was that something evil slept beneath the Glades, so the High Elves abandoned the region and moved northwards. Now the site has turned ruined through time as the Elves magic fades and the overgrowth takes control of the land once more.


    We're always open to criticisms, if you see something you don't like or think of a way we can improve let us know!

    Want to help? Contact Valaryon#6825 on Discord or on!

  3. Olsen's Farthing by the Prophecy RP Team. Olsen's Farthing is a farm in the prime area of Silverpine directly on its trade routes. However the presence of bandits and gnolls in Silverpine have been growing rapidly as trade flourishes in the post-Second War Kingdoms. Olsen's Farthing is frequently harassed by bandits.


    We're always open to criticisms, if you see something you don't like or think of a way we can improve let us know!

    Want to help? Contact Valaryon#6825 on Discord or on!

  4. Olsen's Farthing by the Prophecy RP Team. Olsen's Farthing is a farm in the prime area of Silverpine directly on its trade routes. However the presence of bandits and gnolls in Silverpine have been growing rapidly as trade flourishes in the post-Second War Kingdoms. Olsen's Farthing is frequently harassed by bandits.


    We're always open to criticisms, if you see something you don't like or think of a way we can improve let us know!

    Want to help? Contact Valaryon#6825 on Discord or on!

  5. The Deepwood from the Prophecy RP Team! The Deepwood is an undefined area within Silverpine Forest. It's considered to be near the north western shore of Silverpine Forest and is mostly used for farmland and its rich concentration of silverpines. Stay near the road however, Silverpine Forest is a hot attraction for bandits with its dense foliage.


    We're always open to criticisms, if you see something you don't like or think of a way we can improve let us know!

    Want to help? Contact Valaryon#6825 on Discord or on!

  6. The Deepwood from the Prophecy RP Team! The Deepwood is an undefined area within Silverpine Forest. It's considered to be near the north western shore of Silverpine Forest and is mostly used for farmland and its rich concentration of silverpines. Stay near the road however, Silverpine Forest is a hot attraction for bandits with its dense foliage.


    We're always open to criticisms, if you see something you don't like or think of a way we can improve let us know!

    Want to help? Contact Valaryon#6825 on Discord or on!

  7. The Bulwark from the Prophecy RP Team. The Bulwark is border post between Lordaeron's Capital City and the lands of Darrowmere. The Bulwark doesn't see much action since the Second War. It mostly now monitors trade to and from the Capital City. However as of lately it has had additional defensive assets constructed on the site.


    We're always open to criticisms, if you see something you don't like or think of a way we can improve let us know!

    Want to help? Contact Valaryon#6825 on Discord or on!

  8. The Bulwark from the Prophecy RP Team. The Bulwark is border post between Lordaeron's Capital City and the lands of Darrowmere. The Bulwark doesn't see much action since the Second War. It mostly now monitors trade to and from the Capital City. However as of lately it has had additional defensive assets constructed on the site.


    We're always open to criticisms, if you see something you don't like or think of a way we can improve let us know!

    Want to help? Contact Valaryon#6825 on Discord or on!

  9. Mereldar Monastery from the Prophecy RP Team. Mereldar Monastery named from the famed sister of General Lordain (Lordaeron's namesake) and fore-mother of the Church of the Holy Light. Mereldar Monastery was a proud bastion of Lordaeron's priesthood - a center for learning and enlightenment. Many aspiring Paladins train and learn here before their induction into the Order of the Silver Hand.


    We're always open to criticisms, if you see something you don't like or think of a way we can improve let us know!

    Want to help? Contact Valaryon#6825 on Discord or on!

  10. Mereldar Monastery from the Prophecy RP Team. Mereldar Monastery named from the famed sister of General Lordain (Lordaeron's namesake) and fore-mother of the Church of the Holy Light. Mereldar Monastery was a proud bastion of Lordaeron's priesthood - a center for learning and enlightenment. Many aspiring Paladins train and learn here before their induction into the Order of the Silver Hand.


    We're always open to criticisms, if you see something you don't like or think of a way we can improve let us know!

    Want to help? Contact Valaryon#6825 on Discord or on!

  11. Balnir Farmstead from the Prophecy RP Team. Balnir Farmstead is the site of the Royal Horsebreeder of Lordaeron. Many nobles of Lordaeron received their loyal steeds from the reknowned breeder Balnir. Arthas himself received his famed steed Invicible from Balnir's stables. Every fall when the Wickerman festival draws near, Balnir tears out his crops and hosts a local horse racing competition.


    We're always open to criticisms, if you see something you don't like or think of a way we can improve let us know!

    Want to help? Contact Valaryon#6825 on Discord or on!

  12. Balnir Farmstead from the Prophecy RP Team. Balnir Farmstead is the site of the Royal Horsebreeder of Lordaeron. Many nobles of Lordaeron received their loyal steeds from the reknowned breeder Balnir. Arthas himself received his famed steed Invicible from Balnir's stables. Every fall when the Wickerman festival draws near, Balnir tears out his crops and hosts a local horse racing competition.


    We're always open to criticisms, if you see something you don't like or think of a way we can improve let us know!

    Want to help? Contact Valaryon#6825 on Discord or on!

  13. Seaguard Tower from the Prophecy RP Team. The Seaguard Tower is the north western most tower of Lordaeron. Primarily used to watch the Whispering Shore during the Second War. Now it is beginning to lose its luster and the men guarding it grow weary from the inaction since the downfall of the Horde.

    We're always open to criticisms, if you see something you don't like or think of a way we can improve let us know!

    Want to help? Contact Valaryon#6825 on Discord or on!

  14. Seaguard Tower from the Prophecy RP Team. The Seaguard Tower is the north western most tower of Lordaeron. Primarily used to watch the Whispering Shore during the Second War. Now it is beginning to lose its luster and the men guarding it grow weary from the inaction since the downfall of the Horde.

    We're always open to criticisms, if you see something you don't like or think of a way we can improve let us know!

    Want to help? Contact Valaryon#6825 on Discord or on!

  15. Agamand Mills from the Prophecy RP Team. The Agamand Mills was a vast windmill network once controlled by the Agamand family in northern Tirisfal Glades. The Agamand family was a noble land owning family who owned much of Tirisfal Glades securing vast wealth from owning Lordaeron's windmills and thus securing much political influence.


    We're always open to criticisms, if you see something you don't like or have thought of a way we can improve let us know!

    Want to help? Contact Valaryon#6825 on Discord or on!

  16. Agamand Mills from the Prophecy RP Team. The Agamand Mills was a vast windmill network once controlled by the Agamand family in northern Tirisfal Glades. The Agamand family was a noble land owning family who owned much of Tirisfal Glades securing vast wealth from owning Lordaeron's windmills and thus securing much political influence.


    We're always open to criticisms, if you see something you don't like or have thought of a way we can improve let us know!

    Want to help? Contact Valaryon#6825 on Discord or on!

  17. Thoraric, interestingly enough I've been working on the same concept for about a year. I have a small Team of talented modders working with me to ultimately create a Warcraft 3 RP Experience. If you're interested in learning more you can contact me on Discord 


    Edit: For reference, here is some of our work.There's plenty more, but I am intentionally keeping quiet about this Project.






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  18. 49 minutes ago, piccolodmq said:

    Sorry to necro this.   How about editing a file inside the encrypted file.  Lets say I located the DBC files and want to delete them, but the option is disable.  Any work around this?

    You need to open the current MPQ with your listfile, and extract all of its contents and make a new MPQ. I believe once someone encrypts the MPQ, it's no longer editable.

  19. Uthil's files are .MPQ files. MPQ files cannot be opened with WinRar or 7zip and need to be opened with Ladik's MPQ Editor which you can find here.

    As for Balsh Models Patch file, I have no idea what the file contains so I cannot verify anything for you myself. Typically when MPQs conflict, the one with the highest load order (typically first in number, and then first alphabetically) is the one that gets overwritten as far as I know. If you have two conflicting MPQs what will happen is that the MPQ with the highest load order will overwrite the others. So if you have two different Tauren NPC models, the highest load ordered one will be displayed, and not the other. Basically, your two MPQs should work just fine together unless they conflict.


  20. Whilst I completely agree with your stand against RPH, you should be aware that people will always steal others' content and claim it as their own. I've seen people steal public, free and open sourced patches and claim them for their own to reap the credit from it. Just keep it in mind that if you release things publicly, this can and will eventually happen. It may have happened before, and you simply weren't made aware of it. RPH has a history of just leeching content from other sources to avoid doing anything on their own.

    The community congregates in an echo chamber where they have to agree with the Admin or get banned, so you can't expect anyone to help you from there either. 

    What can we the Modding Community do against RPH besides refuse to help them? They're already stealing content without permission, and there is no way we can 'punish' them for it. As brutal as it sounds, I think people just shouldn't release content that you aren't willing to let others claim credit for. 

  21. 3 hours ago, Gurluas said:

    Are people just hoarding everything now? There's very little stuff being released.

    Skarn and I have retroported everything from Cata-Legion, there's still a handful of buggy m2s/wmos but once almost all of the issues have been resolved we plan on releasing it to the community.

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