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Everything posted by staleness665

  1. Hi, I'm desperate, hoping maybe someone could give me a clue as to whether or not this is fixable and if so how.. I have retroported most of the legion artifact weapons using multiconverter, and I'm having an issue with one handed weapons and the attachment position when dual wielding. when a weapon is in the offhand, it is positioned in the same direction as the main hand. like this, if any weapons are asymmetrical (demon hunter glaives), then it doesn't look right, not to mention clipping. I tried to find an instance of a wotlk stock item that didn't have this problem, but I can't even find a non-symmetrical weapon that applies to this. Anyone ever figured this out?
  2. is it possible to get some of the newer NPC textures (Cataclysm and MoP) converted the same way?
  3. I have an issue for anyone who may have advice for me. I converted some Legion/BFA items a while back and have only just now got around to testing them. I have found that at least some of the bows (specifically the Legion Artifact bows) have the wrong shoot/attack animation, where it looks like the character is confused whether or not he/she is casting or shooting a bow, and there are fire effects. How does this happen? Is there somewhere I should look that I can fix it? Nothing seemed to be relevant in the .m2 file that I could find, but where else would the issue be?
  4. Version 1.0.0


    the launcher i done made.
  5. there is another branch on the repo that includes a very simple 'account manager' window where you can create/delete accounts, set passwords, expansion levels and gmlevels
  6. thank you I will have to attempt this tomorrow, if I get them done I will probably release them here
  7. thank you man, if I find out which flag I will reply here. I'm surprised there's no documentation on these flags (at least on wowdev)
  8. Add TalentTab.dbc to that list, as well as HelmGeosetVisData.dbc (or something like that)