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Everything posted by Uthil

  1. Hey guys, so have this issue when I create new char. It seems for that char class, some of their base stats are higher than the normal ones for level 1. For example, in the screenshot if you see Agility, Stamina, Armour are not set for a level 1 character hunter. This appears only to the 2 new races that added on the DB. At the moment, I have updated the playercreateinfo table and the playercreateinfo_action table for those 2 races. All .dbc's are in place, server side and client side. Also, I get frequently error 132, and not sure why I crash. I added the crash log also if anyone can give some insight for that issue also. ERROR LOG: Thanks in advance
  2. Solved it. Found out that playercreateinfo wasn't updated at all. Thanks goes to the people on the discord channel.
  3. Well done mate, absolutely perfect. We need such guides on some things cause info is scattered with alterations and many times we aren't sure how to approach.
  4. Hey guys, so after making my map. I want to add a portal, so players can teleport to the map. You know, like that ones that Raids have or the dungeon entrances. My thought goes to something like a doodad and then make it have properties of a teleport to that area. But not sure on how to approach this. Is any guide available on how to achieve something like that. The only guides that I've found till now they are referring to small portal, like mage portal, or it is for Ascent core and not for AC or TC at least. Thanks
  5. I'm on Azeroth Core, so on my 2nd map that I'm adding, I'm going to see if I can succeed with your suggestion as new to server edits etc. I also found this guy here which helped a lot. Also, @Furioz also gave hand in order to complete it, so a big thanks to him also.
  6. Hey guys, want to ask if it is possible to edit a .WMO in Blender and export it back so I can use it back with Noggit. I was doing something similar back then when I was working character/creature models with Blender 2.79 and a plugin to import .m2 and export them back. But not sure if its possible. Any suggestions on how to involve something like that ? Thanks
  7. So, I'm trying to update on the creatures_template table some columns, but when I'm using the update query for the column 'rank' I have the issue that it is recognized as a command and not as the columns, mean that HeidisSQL turns the word “rank” on blue and capital. Do I have any other choice on that, or I have to change by hand the values on rank column by my self?
  8. Nope, I haven't got yet time to edit again the DB. But hell, this is amazing, an amazing tool also like GitHub - NotCoffee418/TrinityCreator: This tool allows you to easily create items, creatures and quests for TrinityCore 3.3.5a. Hopefully works also with A.C version as it author mentions, which seems to be another GODlike tool. Yet need some time to check those tools, I only started to edit DB, few entries to see how it goes. Anyway, thanks once more.
  9. Yeah, I think which one you're talking about, it's on the first key before the number one, if you press shift and that key you will get the wave thing dash. I'm gonna give it a try. Thanks though for the information.
  10. Even it seems to be a really handy tutorial, the image links are broken and not shown. Is it possible somehow to be restored, just saying and hopping TOO much maybe.
  11. So, I've been working on an old project lately in a vanilla client-server, but I decided to move to WotLK version since it is far more flexible than vanilla is, sad to say that. So, at the moment I managed to find a repack from emuCoach that says that is 3.3.5 version Blizzlike Trinity Core version. So far so good, but my first thought is this, there is a 3.3.5a server available or the server is just 3.3.5 and compatible with the client. Also, since I'm on map editing on the client, I made some changes to the .dbc files, which I also copy them to the server side. Now, I notice that when I'm launching the worldserver.exe, it just pops and close directly. If I restore those default .dbc's back, not the modified ones, then it launces normally. Any idea about those 2 issues that I face ? Thanks in advance
  12. I see, I was also looking the article on Best WoW emulator 2021 - MangosRumors Warcraft open-source emu, and also I believe that Azeroth Core is at the moment the best option followed by TC. I will try to go then with that and build it from scratch. I open the client Map.dbc file with WDBX, but I got an error message that was saying : Definition exceeds record size. Which made me wonder why. If choose instead WotLK the Cata option to open the file in WDBX, the file opens. It sounds weird to be honest. Also, WorldMapContinent.dbc isn't also requirement too ? I going to try to get a fresh client from WoW Clients - WoWDL and check again its DBC's. Thanks for the info, I'm new into server side and looking to learn more.
  13. Hello people, its been a while that I was on WoW Modding. After the models mod I started to work a project for vanilla but soon I felt that was time to take a break so I stashed it. Now I'm back and started to check things and try to get back where I left. So at the moment I'm wondering if I can change the world map, since Im working on editing and replacing some maps on vanilla, so the old world map is different from what it was introduced after TBC. Should be possible to change the old world map to a newer version like TBC or WotLK? Thanks in advance Vanilla TBC / WotLK
  14. I've looking to tweak Rage FIre chasm in Orgrimmar for my vanilla project. So was thinking to change the status of some creatures in there from Elites to normal, or change in the Stockades some normal creatures to Elites. I'm using Brotalnia repack in order to fast check things, my question is this, do I have to modify a specific server file, cause after looking into mangos.conf I found general modifications regarding the Elite statuses, damage etc . Also checking into the client .dbc files, I couldn't locate any record that indicates a value that will turn elite to normal and the opposite. Neither CreatureModelData had any value for that, as one of my initial thoughts. So I guess it is somewhere that I can't locate it. Thanks in advance
  15. Yes, it was there, but I didn't notice in the beginning that my DB manager wasn't looking correct. I replace it with Heidi's, and now I saw the differences. Unfortunately my database is under cMangos, I found their information about the DB tables on their website, they explain everything wonderful.
  16. Yes it does, I'll have a look on that tutorial. My issue is that the highlighted zones look like they have wrong coordinates, check Undercity on the last picture where it shows up when you mouse over the area. By checking the WorldMapArea.dbc I didn't saw any changes on those values, from both files, vanilla version and WotLK version, they are actually the same. As WoWDev points, the coordinates are there. Maybe I have to follow the GPS command and test an area to see if I can align it correct to the world map. The worldmapoverlay actually highlights the map, as it says. If the coordinates of your map are correct, the highlight will show correct on the map. Means its actually a texture already fixed to that position. All that worked fine for me at the moment. Only zones are off.
  17. So, I'm working on my project and want to test some maps from WotLK downporting them back to vanilla. So, my first attempt was EPL. Got the .adt files, .wmo files etc etc. But in areas that the map had small lakes now it's empty. As PhilipTNG says in his video of this downport to TBC, the map worked, with some issues of course, but unfortunately he also didn't have any water cause of the old system that TBC/Vanilla uses. I had this issue in either the vanilla or TBC, wanted to be sure that wasnt only vanilla before I see Philips video. So, so we have any info if water data changed from the WotLK and beyond, cause I believed that I wouldn't face any issues, since didn't think that water data got also upgraded. Can I do something by editing the map with Noggit, or there is a tool or method to change the water data so ti could read the old water ? Thanks in advance P.S.: are we still active here or we (as community) are disappearing slowly into the nether ?
  18. True, didn't think of that to be honest. I'll check on Xtextures and see what's going on there. I cross fingers to make it work when I move textures with it. Furthermore, I know that WotLK has lot of changes, like they made the base for the future expansions. That's why is so compatible from Cata and beyond. In the other hand, the difference in TBC/Vanilla is that their DBC's and models info are kind of “poor” lets say, in records and structure, so that makes them difficult to mod them.
  19. I believe that I have found it, if I'm correct depending on your server EMU you will find it in the SQL tables. My SQL manager for some reason wasn't reading correct in the DB, so after changing it, I can now see creatures attributes normally. Need to alter the specific columns, re-apply and reload the SQL server.
  20. Right, 5 days passed and after many attempts and test's, as WoWDev informs, still couldn't locate the correct file to make the changes for the zones. I guess it isn't one or none here in the forums is aware of that information in order to help.
  21. It will also support TBC/WoTLK ? Cause even if I put it inside the wrath folder, CASC still output error that can't locate it.
  22. So, I haven't managed to locate which .dbc might have the axis that need to be altered in order the zones be highlighted correctly on the regional map. I have checked WorldMapArea, WorldMapOverlay, AreaPOI which don't have any differences on the records to indicate any difference between them. I don't see any other .dbc that might lead me there, to be honest. As shown here, zones are off completely. Real puzzle! Anyone can assist on which file I need to look too?
  23. It seems that I can't locate where exactly are the offsets for the zones, as you see on last picture, I tried on WorldMapArea as described here too, but no luck, all areas of E. Kingdom from both vanilla and WotLK are same. Also thought that AreaPOI might have something to do, but neither, that's for when you are on a map already, and you're checking the POI. Darn it, feel stuck now. Edit: I think I found the highlighted overlays, yet I believe that a .dbc file might be required
  24. Yes, indeed, and thank you for helping track them faster. Ow, I feel sooo rusted. Anyway, now I have a long road to run in order to fix the offsets of the zones, since are off map completely. Long and heavy DBC editing in order to fix them too. Eastern Kingdoms highlighted correct: Funny zones offsets: