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Everything posted by Supora

  1. Second uv is broken 100% Blending is broken too. You reduced amount of faces? Cause it feels like there were another line of edges in the middle or something and by deleting it u lost a 0 value of blending.
  2. nice to see someone still using obj2adt and my template and also wanna mention that this lifehack with using wmo as props holder is interesting. But I will recommend to test it on a little bit larger map.
  3. If the server says that you already know that spell - then you probably are. The thing is that your client have no possibility to show it
  4. that's why I wrote earlier that those gameobjects are spawned serverside
  5. as I know collision couldn't be animated
  6. those gameobjects spawned serverside
  7. not just the tabard textures but also all chest textures
  8. Is there any difference in wmo format between wotlk and cata? if there is no any difference you can load it up in blender and edit doodadsets there.
  9. So if you want to disable the helmet then you need to delete helmet attachment on the model or at least change its type to something that is not used. BTW you may try to change the race prefix in ChrRaces.dbc to load tauren helmets instead. But I guess it will also load the sounds of the tauren.
  10. Supora

    More blender stuff

    From the album: Does it looks like a stuff built in noggit?

    Finally got everything just as I wanted! With lots of trials and lots of stupid mistakes I've got all that vector math that described here in blender
  11. And I didn't point my whole post only to you either.
  12. Same thing I can say about your example. It's shit for me. If you guys want me to boycott a sever then ok I'll not play there.
  13. So what about our community then? We are leaching blizzard game engine, textures, models really often. So maybe Blizzard should start to DoS our sites or smth?
  14. Supora

    More blender stuff

    So it uses: RGB Blendmap(Combined Alphamaps) 4 tileset textures and 4 of those textures with alpha (_h ones) And I have a control of all I needed: Texture scale, Texture HeightScale and HeightOffset If someone knows how to make vec4 in blender pls tell me cause right now I'm using groups of groups of groups of nodes with just floats(even RGB math is done via separating it to R G and B.
  15. it's definitly not MCLV here. Look at the second screen at those purple things here that's actualy cubemaps.
  16. I think you got it wrong cause I've also thought about MCLY chunk when firstly saw this topic.
  17. I use blender 2.49 with some old plugin(by madsquirrel or smth) for this stuff. Here is the example: geometry is made by script itself. But I've made a shader by myself(rendered in blender 2.7+).
  18. From the album: Does it looks like a stuff built in noggit?

    Made this for testing my material setup in blender Seems to be pretty nice So it have 4 texture layers and vertexcolor shading(darker parts are actually a vertex colors)
  19. О, так этот проект еще в работе? Я помню его запуск, жаль не долго музыка играла. Где-то на моем ПК должны быть скрины того времени. А вот видоса, в котором был превью моего фикса для одного квеста не осталось. Ностальжи