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Posts posted by Zehlendorf

  1. Hello, I was making some custom weapons and I did a patch with the new Item.dbc all works fine but  I do not see some npc's weapons, like the weapons of the orgrimmar guards, some dalaran npc's, etc. hope someone can help me with it.

    Thanks in advance.


  2. Hello I have a problem with mounted visual form, first of all I cast the spell flying carpet mount and the character appears above the carpet all fine at this point, after I dismount and cast another spell like a horse mount or any other mount that the character looks seated, it looks correct but if I see this character with another character logged it still looks above the mount. 

    The first picture is what the main character looks like.
    Second picture is how other characters see the main character.

    Please if someone knows how can fix this, reply this topic, I really want fix it because it looks ugly :/ . Thanks for reading.



  3. Sheldon Im trying to add NpcID but this isnt working, help xD


    GameTooltip:HookScript("OnTooltipSetUnit", function(self)
        local name, unit = self:GetUnit()
        local unitType, _, _, _, _, npcID = strsplit(':', UnitGUID(unit) or '')
                self:AddLine(unitType, npcID)


  4. XD! Ok I change it, but now it doesnt apply any spell in azeroth "it says incorrect zone" and in shattrath it works, but doesnt change to the spell 310% just cast the main spell 90019, I need all spells I think, 60,100,150,280,310 to get it working.. or what should I change?