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Posts posted by Skarn

  1. Please specify what you want in the topic. This way people who know the answer to your question will see in advance if it is even worth opening your topic. I personally can't help you with it (just forseeing the upcoming question).

  2. 1) Undo/Redo would require some intrusion into all the editing features, not counting the actual state machine code and UI representing action history. That's quite a big and boring work to do. There are currently too few programmers who devepop Noggit with a purpose of using it or their teams using it. Those people who just like to mess with stuff will mess with something more entertaining.

    2) Scaleable textures are supported since MoP. Noggit currently stays on 3.3.5a. It is impossible to implement scaleable textures without upgrading Noggit to recent or later game version. It is also a boring and huge work, so here comes the motivation issue again.

    3) As far as I know, Noggit opens all maps relevant to 3.3.5a and even some retroported ones (I may be wrong, I have no retroported maps, but I have seen people doing it). It will not support everything until it gets uprgraded to newer game version which is the situation I described in the paragpraph 2.

    It is very sad for me to say it but that's how things are currently going on. 

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  3. What game version? We need more information. If possible, pictures of outliner, object settings (orange cube tab), vertex group settings (tab with collision and portals), materials and export settings. I need only pictures of WoW related things. I do not need to see the entire content of the tab.

  4. There was some snowy skybox used for wotlk login screen or somethign else. That might do the job if you retexture it properly. For making something transparent you can either do a texture swap or set specific render flag to disable texture rendering.

  5. You can't just place M2s with Noggit inside the indoor group of the WMO. Use WMOEditor by Cromon for making a doodadset instead. Also a hacky way to fix that is removing portal from the WMO, though this method has much more disadvantages than actual profit. 

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  6. I and Met@ checked a lot of facts since this post was created. There were many "weird" facts we found in the released files and Zim's social media, so we hoped it was faked. However, after contacting his brother again and reaching some of his friends, it became clear that it is most likely true, sadly. :( 

  7. Add me on Skype, we will try something.

    The theory is that smal alpha is 2048 pixels for chunk and big alpha is 4096 pixels for chunk. The conversion is possible as Noggit does the same thing. When you are editing stuff it edits them as 64x64 pixmap while on saving it gets converted to small alpha (32x64) pixmap. Correct me if I am wrong, experienced guys, please.

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  8. I heard this story about almost a year ago and I was told it was not true. When I heard that I asked @Vellear for confirmation as they were friends with Zim. He said it is not true and Zim has left his town for studying somewhere and that he is not interested in modding anymore. But he claimed they talked in the end of 2015 and he showed him photos from spring, 2015. I do not know what to believe but y********* seems to indeed belong to his brother.

    If this is still true, rest in peace, Zim. 

  9. As for M2, you can use this: 

    As for WMOs which I'd recommned you to use with any walkable objects for multiple reasons (material footstep sounds, working vmaps/mmaps, etc). It is done via collision vertex groups. You assign only geometry that you need. If something needs to be added, just leave this geoemtry without WoW material and it will not get exported as real geometry but can be still assigned as collision data.

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  10. The WMO exporter does not care about applied textures. It reads materials. I suggest you using Material Utils plugin for Blender to automatically "bake" material units from applied textures. Also do not forget to do Edge Split to avoid T-vertices. 

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