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Everything posted by luzifix

  1. for 3.3.5 you can use a older version of TRP3
  2. Version


    ADTConverter [Deprecated] Convert your ADTs from Wotlk(3.3.5) to WoD(6.x.x)/Legion(7.x.x) The ADTConverter is deprecated and no longer supported Requirements The converter requires NET Framework 4.0 How to use Put your Wotlk ADTs in the data Folder Start the ConvertADTs.cmd Issues Please post your Issues here Thanks PTNGee for the "PTNG_ADT_Converter"
  3. Hi, have fun with the map
  4. Its funny how anyone try to rebuild my housing system PS: This was one of the first version of the System. Currently it looks like this:
  5. becaust the liquied Ids change in WoD you must take a look in
  6. i not intends to do currently WoD+ i wait for the last legion patch and then i try to convert up
  7. I have a german roleplay server in 6.2.4 with 80+ players and it works really good. I dont need spells or some raids. We have our island and role play on this. I deploy all the patches over my launcher in the WoW folder and the launcher download and setup the client too. It works fine for me and my team
  8. You dont must share anything. But if you only share something to get thanks is not great. I get only 6 "thanks" for my ADTConverter and your "i share nothing" thread has got the half of my "thanks", but this is ok. "thanks" is not so importend
  9. Write the logic in Java i can port it than to c# and add it in the converter
  10. For Modding you dont need modify CASC, place you files in the wow dir and start the modded exe
  11. Java is almost like C# you can try it Converter Source Code Besides, I find it better when we have only one converter with all features^^
  12. I build tools for WoD because i port my server from 3.3.5a to 6.2.4. If i switch from 6.2.4 to Legion in 1 or 2 years i can build tools for this but at the moment i dont need tools for Legion
  13. Legion: Mapping not work Server is unstable Dont have a permanent patch version Dont have interface modding
  14. I think 6.2.4 is the new 3.3.5 a lot of tutorials are online and the server stability is ok. And we have a easy way to convert ADTs to WoD
  15. Version 1.0.0


    Hello, i crack the Lua & XML protraction in 6.2.4:21355 32bit. Have fun with it.
  16. Its the Wow.exe without Lua&XML checks
  17. Hey, someone knows a tool to convert legion m2 to WoD? And have someone a list of all Edit Creature M2s in Legion. I went only update the existing creature in WoD to the new Legion Models
  18. you must load the "WoWWMO" template in 010 Editor after this a new box with the wmo information is showing under the hex code
  19. You can find the id in the WMO. Open the WMO with 010 Editor and the use the WMO template: The field name in 010 Editor is WMO_ID or wmoID
  20. Hey, you know how to port LK2s like Trees/Stairs to WoD ? I try it with but the game crashes when the converted M2 load