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Files posted by Callmephil

  1. 3.3.5 Alpha Pack Community Client

    Alpha Pack Download Link :
    Includes :
    Patch-C : Creature & Textures
    Patch-I : Item Cata-Mop-WoD
    Patch-L : Item Legion 7.0.1 > 7.1.5 (Not Fully Added in dbc)
    Patch-W : Buildings
    Patch-H : HD Pack (HD Pack Required For 3D Belt) Credits to Thrind
    Server Side : DBC
    Server Side : Item_Template SQL  
    -- Update 1 :
    Added : Spell.dbc (enGB, frFR, enUS)
    Added : SqlScript.sql
    Added : Patch-enGB-4.MPQ (Spell for enGB client)
    Added : Patch-enUS-4.MPQ (Spell for enUS client)
    Added : CoreScript
    - Transmog Script for 3D Belt
    - SpellGeneric.cpp
    Added : Readme.
    -- Update 2 :
    Added Sql for Legion Artifact Weapons
    PS : Looking for extra hands to work with me on this project.

    -- Update 3
    update Patch-enGB-4/Patch-frFR-4/Patch-EnUS-4
    Updated Spell.dbc brings 314 New Compagnon list here :
    -- Update 4
    Patch-W Should no more cause the game to have green texture in some place of azeroth.
    Say Thanks also help me continue the project !
    The Goal :
    I'm aiming to help every new and old server to get a decent content. Patches won't be encrypted.
    A Community Top Site will be launched.
    A Community Launcher is in preparation (in c#)
    A Community DBC Files Checker is in preparation (so we see if your server is compatible)
    the idea is that all server / player use this client as a base. and server would only make download their custom maps if they have one.
    Join the retrolution :


    (1 review)



  2. List_Root Text > SQL Converter

    Hey guys !
    I'm here again with a new tool that i use to convert text file from list_root into SQL format.
    example :
    Input :
    0000053183.all 404522913ab0414b25ec8f4c0d836fd1 sound/music/citymusic/darnassus/darnassus intro.mp3
    Output :
    INSERT INTO `FileDataComplete_Legion` VALUES (53183,"darnassus intro.mp3","sound/music/citymusic/darnassus/");
    README : How to use ?
    Place Listfile.txt / root  (from casc) into tool folder.
    Run the .bat file i provided.
    Wait till finished you will see a file named Root_File.sql
    Create a table Named : FileDataComplete_Legion in database (File_ID/Filename/Filepath)
    Import Root_File.sql into the database.
    You're done !
    * This method is use full when you want to find/retro-port massive db2 > SQL lines.
    Thanks for Roccus for compiling the list_root.exe and bloerwald for binaries

    Thanks for bloerwald for the listfile.
    And obviously CASC Developpers !
    Enjoy and let me know if it was use full for you too !


    (0 reviews)



  3. Easy BlpConverter (PAL_A8 Format)

    Easy BLPConverter share the similar idea of
    But instead the Easy BLPConverter call directly the BLPConverter.exe program with argument which is faster. argument are parsed from given directory and sub-directory (it exclude cape because they appear green if you convert them. *optional).
    Rename BLP :
    Will rename all _.blp into .blp
    Print Listfile :
    Will print a suitable (casc) Listfile of given directory.
    How to use :
    BlpConverter Path : if you're not using given BLPConverter.exe please include his path and the .exe program
    Blp Folder Path : Go into your folder and copy link > Paste it in the textbox
    Press Convert Blp's Button wait to finish, then Run Rename BLP and you're done.
    hopefully this will save you some extra time enjoy.


    (0 reviews)

    1 comment


  4. LazyWorker - Generator

    Hello ! i'm currently working on a generator to make life easier. for 3.3.5a
    This is an extended work for the retrolution  project.
    you can join the Retrolution on our main thread

    V2.0.0 Is Out.
    Features :
    Mount Generator. + Item Creator + ItemDisplayInfo Icon
    Pet Generator. + Item Creator + ItemDisplayInfo Icon
    Extended Cost Generator.
    Gem Generator. + SQL
    Title Generator.
    Creature & Model DBC. (V.1)
    SpellIcon Generator. (By checking Custom Icon).

    Changes :
    Bigger UI.
    Bug Fixes.
    Local Library.
    Planned Work :
    Tier Set Generator. Based on S8+ and T10+
    Off Set Generator. Based on S8+ and T10+
    Image :
    Main Form :

    Option Form :

    C# Open Source Project :
    V2.0.0 Release :


    (0 reviews)



  5. Wowhead File Downloader

    This small program coded in c# allow you to download xml/html files from wowhead. you can download in any language.
    for now item/spell/npc are added by default but you can put any desire url.

    particularity of this program is that it download extremely fast files that you can parse later locally on your machine.

    around 50000 files /min for 1GB speed.
    around 1000 files/min for 10 MB speed.
    (it's not 100 % exact since it's not constant)
    plus it overpass client limitations in 9/10 of the time.
    external Download link :!MwA3ABhB!en0k9SbgV...z3wAJypF0tgEYk


    (0 reviews)

