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Everything posted by Callmephil

  1. Most of the item enchantments are done in the DBC you probably want to look into that instead.
  2. If I remember well, for item slot and position etc it's all in item.dbc Find an item that suits your idea and replace the item you want to modify with it. update both in server + client dbc and you should get what you want. another option is to look at the spell "Titan's grip" and see if you can duplicate its behavior to fit your needs.
  3. Thanks for sharing, Much appreciated.
  4. Version 0.0.1


    Alpha Pack Download Link : Includes : Patch-C : Creature & Textures Patch-I : Item Cata-Mop-WoD Patch-L : Item Legion 7.0.1 > 7.1.5 (Not Fully Added in dbc) Patch-W : Buildings Patch-H : HD Pack (HD Pack Required For 3D Belt) Credits to Thrind Server Side : DBC Server Side : Item_Template SQL -- Update 1 : Added : Spell.dbc (enGB, frFR, enUS) Added : SqlScript.sql Added : Patch-enGB-4.MPQ (Spell for enGB client) Added : Patch-enUS-4.MPQ (Spell for enUS client) Added : CoreScript - Transmog Script for 3D Belt - SpellGeneric.cpp Added : Readme. -- Update 2 : Added Sql for Legion Artifact Weapons PS : Looking for extra hands to work with me on this project. -- Update 3 update Patch-enGB-4/Patch-frFR-4/Patch-EnUS-4 Updated Spell.dbc brings 314 New Compagnon list here : -- Update 4 Patch-W Should no more cause the game to have green texture in some place of azeroth. Say Thanks also help me continue the project ! The Goal : I'm aiming to help every new and old server to get a decent content. Patches won't be encrypted. A Community Top Site will be launched. A Community Launcher is in preparation (in c#) A Community DBC Files Checker is in preparation (so we see if your server is compatible) the idea is that all server / player use this client as a base. and server would only make download their custom maps if they have one. Join the retrolution :
  5. The files have been re-uploaded here. Community Client – Google Drive The project is discontinued at the moment, so database/server-side scripts are most probably outdated.
  6. Most likely will not work because visual assets are missing. You'll also need to import spellIcons, blp etc..
  7. Amazing! What are you using for custom map creations?
  8. There are no known or public methods for customizing modern clients, So your best bet would be to start working on a 3.3.5 fresh client, it would not be perfect but it's the best solution at the moment. The rest is totally possible, we have seen custom expansions built in the by members, If you don't feel like learning programming languages and you are not very interested in the subject, you'd for sure need someone with intermediate experience in Lua, SQL, c++ Otherwise, I'd suggest you start with the basics, set up a server, and play around with the code to create some quests, and items. mobs etc play around with events and basic scripting. Then you can jump on server modification and create an encounter, changes the behavior of a spell, and such. There's a great mod made by Rochet2 called Eluna-Engine if you're afraid of c++ you can write stuff in LUA which is far simpler. For retro-porting, there are a lot of resources you can start with. for example, you mentioned custom U.I you'll need to tap into modifying or creating addons for the game. Eluna Engine helps does that too for retro-port of content maps, models you'd need to understand what is a DBC and how they affect the game a good doc can be found here lastly, you can find a lot of retro port content on this forum and guide on how to retro port content yourself. Hope this helped a little bit!
  9. I retired from the emulation scene couple of years ago. Yet every day since the release of the classic client I'm asking myself the same question, What if we can mod the classic client? The engine is a port of Battle of Azeroth, which probably means it would allow overcoming lots of client limitations when it comes to retro-porting and creation of custom models. Hermes proxy method is a milestone for sure and what brotalnia did is incredible, however, the gap between reverse engineer packets to build a communication channel and reverse engineer the client to inject custom content is a tremendous task. As far as I know, The people who manage to achieve such an exploit in the past are a long time gone, That's probably why we haven't seen any custom clients mods post 3.3.5.
  10. Implementing a new resource will be a hassle if you're still a novice, but you can start by cloning rogue logic (with energy) and see how it goes.
  11. Downport content to 3.3.5 and up-port it to 4.3.4. There's a tutorial on mod-craft
  12. Version 1.0.0


    Easy BLPConverter share the similar idea of But instead the Easy BLPConverter call directly the BLPConverter.exe program with argument which is faster. argument are parsed from given directory and sub-directory (it exclude cape because they appear green if you convert them. *optional). Rename BLP : Will rename all _.blp into .blp Print Listfile : Will print a suitable (casc) Listfile of given directory. How to use : BlpConverter Path : if you're not using given BLPConverter.exe please include his path and the .exe program Blp Folder Path : Go into your folder and copy link > Paste it in the textbox Press Convert Blp's Button wait to finish, then Run Rename BLP and you're done. hopefully this will save you some extra time enjoy.
  13. Assuming you're running on windows, Have you setup the host file ? C:\Windows\System32\drivers\etc (hosts.txt) Also as far as i remember if you want to run a public realm on your local machine, if you wanted to logging you had to use your localhost address ( to connect as realmlist.
  14. for mounts speed, recent trinity core doesn't allow extra mounts for some unknown reason you have to use the old spell_generic script. for models i guess it's cache/server restart (if all content was added)
  15. For Legion < It's a very tedious task. attachment works differently on older version you can't bind multiple of them in one time. you have to split the (collection) into pieces and bind them to item as a spell which is bind to an attachment on character m2. look at this post there's one collection per race and about 24 pieces per collections. for splitting a collection you can start with adding a spell to an attachement you can refer to In extra you can take a look at (part 1 & 2) also since 3D are only simulated it won't be perfect such as when you jump they won't follow your movements etc etc
  16. Version 1.0.0


    Hey guys ! I'm here again with a new tool that i use to convert text file from list_root into SQL format. example : Input : 0000053183.all 404522913ab0414b25ec8f4c0d836fd1 sound/music/citymusic/darnassus/darnassus intro.mp3 Output : INSERT INTO `FileDataComplete_Legion` VALUES (53183,"darnassus intro.mp3","sound/music/citymusic/darnassus/"); README : How to use ? Place Listfile.txt / root (from casc) into tool folder. Run the .bat file i provided. Wait till finished you will see a file named Root_File.sql Create a table Named : FileDataComplete_Legion in database (File_ID/Filename/Filepath) Import Root_File.sql into the database. You're done ! * This method is use full when you want to find/retro-port massive db2 > SQL lines. Thanks for Roccus for compiling the list_root.exe and bloerwald for binaries Thanks for bloerwald for the listfile. And obviously CASC Developpers ! Enjoy and let me know if it was use full for you too !
  17. I don't think legion modding started yet there's no doc neither tools atm. they've just started modding on WoD where Filedata is still available.
  18. you can disable creation from worldserver.conf i'm not entirely sure but it worth checking.
  19. I completely agree with you for the art work but it's still a really restricted talent which not a lot of people are capable of, most people are looking for newer expac content and this is completely stupid to lock them.
  20. it's disappointing how much some server count on "exlusive" model content. anyway.. my community pack provide a large amount of work already and will be updated as soon as i figure out how to fix all 3D's things. i will also share my tools if i manage to code properly one day.. "it's not the models that count it's what you do with them that does"
  21. why is so important for people to encrypt their patches ? their no point of it. everyone can retro-port, everyone can retrieve a custom map or a listfile. it's just a waste of time. bli did made it harder at some point but still some people achieve to reverse it and share out so you me and other can learn and mods.. PS: there's an easier way if you want to "protect" your dbc files.