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Everything posted by Yuritsuki

  1. Version 2.1


    About There are 2-3 similar patches but I couldn't use them as they have some bugs like green textures, missing races or holes instead of ears/attachments etc. So that was the goal for this project. How to install 1. Put SoundCache-patch-15595.mpq to Data/Cache 2. Rename wow.exe from archive and put it in wow folder. If you run your usual wow.exe it will delete edited patch. Version History 1.0 (2021/07/23) Release 1.1 (2021/08/03) IMPORTANT: fixed ChrRaces table related crashes. CSV2DBC made a corrupted file. Thanks to multyhunter for providing error logs. Added missing records to Creature*.dbc tables from 15595 build 1.2 (2021/08/06) Fixed human model scaling in dbc. It caused badly drawn visual effects on humans. My table editors are going crazy with cata dbcs and changing values randomly for some reason. I hope it's the last hotfix. Credits to multyhunter for finding this trouble. 1.3 (2021/08/12) Reverted some helmet fixes. I messed up smth with texture paths. 1.4 (2021/08/15) Cloacks fixed (except guild cloacks atm) 2.0 (2022/02/13) Fixed Scourge Male hands attachments (they held map, drinks and spells in wrong hand) NPC textures added (no hidden helmets anymore. Don't know the author. Thanks to warfoll02 for finding a patch with textures) 2.1 (2022/07/01) I accidentally put old UVs in previous patch. You could see wrong texrures on some races' piercings. Fixed.
  2. Is it update or reupload? Anyway it's good to see you back there.
  3. Version 0.0.2


    Originally created by Semen Veshkin. Spell list (soon): I have a spell list of changed visuals, but it's in russian. Send me a PM if you can help me to properly translate it. Also there are swapped Rumsey Rum effects: changed to MoP cloack effects. About: It's a merge of 8/10 spell patches by this russian modder. He didn't release similar work for rogue. And paladin's patch (9th patch which I didn't merged) has a broken table. Using mydbceditor and some noob-coding (they use the same new ids, so I wrote a script to increment all new ids in dbc files for each file and sync these new ids in the related tables) I merged them so they can be used together. Compatibility: It's not compatible with any patch that change spell or, for example, druid forms through dbc record modifying. So if you have a patch that has Spell[anything].dbc, then it won't work. If most people will ask me to make compatibility changes for some popular patches I'll include it as an optional patch. Write here if you can find any bug, I'll fix it and release update!
  4. It is easy to fix. I just don't have time right now to check every helmet * every race * every gender = infinity. I'm not Levi ? But I can release small fixes (10-20 helmets per patch).
  5. The funniest thing: there are notes from sirus developer in the interface code. They've used sirus' code
  6. Also no cape fixes (some are transparent), no map holding when pressing map button. Ok. I'll try to fix these issues. Thank you for it. Also I've made some attempts to search an author. My only guess it's an emucoach one. They've made npcs too for vip subscription.
  7. Do you know if there are all baked textures for every npc or some are missing?
  8. I mean post a link to this website or where did you get it
  9. Models have animation sequence bug from converting. Example: try to jump and it'll repeat jump for a moment. Can you also provide a source website? I can try to fix the bug btw.
  10. Also I believe they create custom NPCs. So everytime they add a new NPC using baked textures the hd models patch should be updated. I mean it's not that hard, more like time consuming and it's better to have original textures they use (in .psd or etc).
  11. Maybe ask their devs? They add custom skins sometimes.
  12. Oh shit. Just caught same error in Orgrimmar. Ok, I'll find out the problem, Upd. It's probably an issue with npcs. Seems like I use old tables (CreatureDisplayInfo, CreatureDisplayInfoExtra) not from 15595 build. Fix is simple, but I don't have time right now :C just wait a couple days.
  13. No, you can even play for years and it's not guaranteed that your client is full. Please try to find and download full client. Also about the log. Couldn't read it as there is no publicly open info about cata client errors. I just wanted to check if there is even one line to clarify smth, but unfortunately, nothing human readable.
  14. Do you use full client or the one that downloads files from CDN while playing? Patch requires full client. And send me your logs from WoW/Errors/ .