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Everything posted by XodusArt2

  1. So, I'm trying to convert an object into WMO format using the blender plugin. I get it exported just fine, ingame I see nothing but the collision is working. I don't know what DBC groups to put it is, I don't know what export settings so I just go with default. It's a dock wmo, so fully outdoors, no portals. Please help :(.
  2. Is it possible to create objects that simulate ripples in the water without making major changes to the water shader in game its self? For example I've done this with NPCs on my server previously, simply added waypoints for the NPC on the Z axis, increased the NPCs speed, and it basically bounced on the water creating ripples, an invisible NPC. But for constant ripples, what would need to be done?
  3. The only texture I found related to the ripples was the spawn shape of them, it's all physics based I'm pretty sure. And I'm taking about the circular ones yeah.
  4. Ah so you're keeping the cartoony lowpoly look then?
  5. Ah hey, considered doing the trees in Speedtree, keeping the same style ofc? I did some of this stuff awhile back, but went for a more realistic approach, but still kept it looking Warcraft-y. It's all in the light, the post processing, and the material shaders. Consider some references; Stormwind in the VR trailer for the movie Goldshire in the movie Detailed art pieces.
  6. M2mod automatically makes the normals retarded everytime I change the format to M2i. I have to go through a roundabout way of fixing this each time and it's fairly annoying to have to incorporate that into my usual process.
  7. I just want to get the file working its self, then I'll worry about implementing it via DBC.. for now I'm just replacing it, but it still doesnt work.
  8. so wmos for legion just arent possible?
  9. It might be, Kranimal. I'll try this, but so far nothing has worked. Also, I exported it with just one material on it and it reverted to the old WMO in the actual game data.
  10. Are static M2 edits in Legion, for shoulders, helmets, weapons, etc.. Still not working? Obj to M2 was my method, and it just doesn't work for Legion. I can't believe for a moment that there's seriously no way to edit them and replace current ingame weapons / shoulders.
  11. So, I've been away working at my 3D portfolio for future employment. Just wondering if there's a legion m2mod tool out or anything similar, the current one corrupts some Legion character model's geosets. (Bloodelves and Nightelves afaik)
  12. Hi, to communicate my issue as best as I can, I'll start by saying this, I'm modding only the latest expansions every time, and that is because I believe progress is forward, not backward. This issue; ObjtoM2 used to convert Objects into Wrath of the Lich King M2 format, which it still does. All you had to do in 010 editor was use the LKtoCata script, and it would work with WoD, Cata, MoP etc. Not working with Legion, I've tried it, and yes I added the MD21 prefix, nothing works.
  13. I still don't know how to make a static M2 from scratch and replace a current ingame file.
  14. So since the introduction of skinfile LODs, I've had trouble with them, and never quite figured out how to change the LODs so it doesn't look fucky like five feet away. I'm sure it is a simple fix, like changing a byte in 010 editor, but from what I can see it isn't documented, even in wowdev.
  15. When you say both Cvars, which ones do you mean exactly?
  16. Sorry, I've tried all the LodDist Cvars, nothing works. Unless I'm missing one, what do I change?
  17. If it was just a simple model edit thing, I could help you, but I don't do dbc related stuff, in any case if you didn't already know, they added a prefix 'MD21' plus the four chunks after it, you don't need to do any dbc related stuff.
  18. 22996. And that's just what came to mind when I saw the shape around his eye xD.
  19. Sing once again with meOur strange duetMy power over you grows stronger yetAnd though you turn from me to glance behindThe Phantom of the Opera is thereInside your mind. Completely unintentional, looking for a fix, the issue isn't in the texture, or to do with normals, I'm not sure what it is, but it's VERY annoying. Thank you kindly!
  20. Anyone got a clue?
  21. What If I'm just editing a static M2, not making a new one? How do I merge the old one with the new one?