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Everything posted by Dominator

  1. Looking for someone who can be hired for this work. Need 2 extra races, preferably Goblin and Worgen, however any other would do. Patch + Core support. I will pay via paypal, please DM me via Discord : Dominator#3432
  2. Hello i am looking to hire someone who can integrate 2 races for me, I use Trinitycore 3.3.5a. All I want is 2 new races, can be golbin and worgen , can be something else, depends what you can offer me. Paying good money. Will need patch, dbcs, core integration. Name your price and we shall move forward, I will not try to ask for a discounts, i know coders work hard so they will be paid accordingly. Thank you
  3. Is there anyone that wishes to make some $$ here? willing to pay good $$ for this work
  4. Hello I'm looking to hire a developer/designer who can make 2 races for us. Create a patch and provide us with instructions on core modification to support these 2 races. We run on Trinitycore. Paying via PayPal business account. We can discuss arrangements via Discord or via this forum pm. Thank you