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Everything posted by sibirs

  1. Hello! We are looking for C ++ specialists who worked with custom. Write on the forum in a private message.
  2. Hello everyone, we need a person who already has demo hunter spells and dbts. If you are ready to do it quickly then write, or if you already have write. expensive buy.
  3. Hello! we are looking for specialists in two areas: 1. development of WoW 3.3.5 interfaces (Lua/XML) 2. development of mods for WoW 3.3.5 (Models, visual effects, working with DBC and other game files) we can work both at a fixed price and at a salary(high). Write on the forum in a private message.
  4. Здравствуйте! Ищем специалистов по двум направлениям: 1. Разработка интерфейсов WoW 3.3.5 (Lua/XML) 2. Разработка модов для WoW 3.3.5 (Модели, визуальные эффекты, работа с DBC и другими файлами игры) Можем работать как по фикс цене так и на зарплате(высокая). Писать на форуме в личное сообщение.