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Everything posted by XIajibawan

  1. Hello everyone, Hope you are well. I just want to get some idea from you guys, I tried to retroporting some mounts from Shadowlands, but the animation will freeze when I retroported the model to 3.3.5. I means that model can be retroport and anything looks good but except the animation will freeze. May I get your help or ideas? thank you so much in advance.
  2. Hello Guys, hope you are well. I tried to learn how to control the animotion of character. such as when my character attack with a weapon with equip a 2H weapon at mainhand, the mode will use two hands to hold the weapon, and one hand for 1H weapon. should we can control that? I means if I want the character to hold the 1H weapon use two hand, how should I can profit it? hope I can get some ideas from you smart guys. thank you in advance.
  3. hello bro, did you fix this issue? should we can know your solution? thanks.
  4. hi Bro, should we can get your help to know how to do this manually? thx
  5. hi Animetrix, hope you are well. May I get your help to have a mount named "DarkHoundMount" from shadowland to wotlk? in fact, I am working to retroport this mount to Vanilla. but the model will freeze at Vanilla even if it works well at wotlk. But, your model will not. it wroks at both wotlk and vanilla. shold i can get your help?
  6. that's all right. thank you so much for your help bro.
  7. thank you bro. I think I found the root issue. that's come from the jm2converter. I tried to retroport this mount to Vanilla but it cannot work even if it works at WotLK. I always thought something was wrong with me, but it wasn't until you gave me this model that I realized it was a problem with jm2converter. do you have any idea to retrooport this mount to Vanilla? I really like it.
  8. hi Bro, do you have a mounts named "DarkHoundMount" from Shandowlands to WotLK? can you share it to me? I want to have a comparation? thank you in advance.
  9. hello guys, hope you are well. is it possible to down port the mounts from Shadowlands to Vanilla? I tried jm2converter, but the model will forze at Vanilla. May I get some help or ideas from you smart guys? thank you so much in advance.
  10. after edit the value of "uunit nViews", the MultiConverter still will not handle the lod skins even if changed the name of lod skin according to the skin file. and seems like iff ignore this step, the model also works. not sure why.
  11. thank you my hero. your idea is very useful for me. I find that ID and edit it via 010 editor. the mount works well now. thank you again.
  12. seems like the animaion chain has some error. but have no idea how to fix that. hope there are some good guy can help.
  13. hello callumhutchy! hope you are well. thanks for your sharing and that's very hopeful. but may I get your help to know the details of step 5? which template will be used at there? thanks.