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Posts posted by Kaev

  1. 50 minutes ago, dashker said:

    So i will show you the problem, i am parsing a double, converting to string bubt with the double format

    double text = double.Parse(ScaleBox.Text, System.Globalization.NumberStyles.AllowDecimalPoint, System.Globalization.NumberFormatInfo.InvariantInfo);
    string result = number[0] + "," + number[1]+ "," + number[2] + "," + number[3] + "," + text;


    Does it work as you wanted or not? You just posted a snippet without any informations.
    Also, just for future coding style: If number[] is a array of int or double or smth like that, make sure to write number[0].ToString().

  2. 5 minutes ago, noc said:

    like this ? 

    Int_Seconds = int.Parse(TextBox1.Text);


    1. This is int, not double.
    2. Just double.Parse wouldn't work, because it actually wants the number as 2,0 instead of 2.0

    You can use this:


    double.Parse("2.0", System.Globalization.NumberStyles.AllowDecimalPoint, System.Globalization.NumberFormatInfo.InvariantInfo); 

    Also, don't forget to check it is really something like 2.0. A user could enter 2.a or something and your program will probably crash.

    • Like 1

  3. 5 hours ago, Kaev said:

    Schlumpf said that this could be a listfile issue. Do you have any custom patches in your client? If so, delete them or move them somewhere else for testing purposes.
    I'll try my deDE client when i'm at home. Afaik Noggit SDL 1.4 worked without any problems with this client. Maybe the client i've downloaded really has some broken listfiles.

    Schlumpf and me found what's wrong: A commit fucked up listfile loading somehow (probably threading problems). I reverted the commit and uploaded a new version. You can find it in the starting post or here: https://mega.nz/#!qU01SZ4Y!YQvbjXQTo2_aAG1zqw_QL3ervYvy-YRWp0AaINbzXq0

    • Like 3

  4. 2 hours ago, megamoocow said:

    this may be true :P it's only a little annoying considering with all the fixes that has made world building so much better it's an ok trade off. maybe it has something to do with filters.txt file? i will tinker with stuff see what happens.

    Schlumpf said that this could be a listfile issue. Do you have any custom patches in your client? If so, delete them or move them somewhere else for testing purposes.
    I'll try my deDE client when i'm at home. Afaik Noggit SDL 1.4 worked without any problems with this client. Maybe the client i've downloaded really has some broken listfiles.

  5. 8 hours ago, megamoocow said:

    Amazing update works great, i just need to know why i can't pull all my tilesets up? it only grabs the tileset for the current maps im working on. probally just a noob move from me so anyone knows let me know :)

    I'm encountering the same thing, but it seems like that this doesn't happen for everyone. Good to know that this doesn't only happen to me. I'll check the commits if someone messed up the texture loading somehow.

    EDIT: Hm, at least from the commit messages i can't find a commit which changes something there. Maybe we both do something wrong? s:

  6. 17 minutes ago, Amaroth said:

    I would rather point that out directly in name of topic, that this is just a testing, not stable version. Well, any Noggit program marked as "stable" would look hilarious, but... You get my point :D.


  7. Be careful, Steff warned me that there are some untested things in the SDL branch which could lead to bugs. If you can find any, please report them!

  8. 9 minutes ago, Alastor Strix'Efuartus said:

    "  The program can't start because api-ms-win-crt-runtime-l1-1-0.dll is missing from your computer.  " 

    Yeah funny so now after toons of noggit version i am forced to update my  Visual C++ chfpmfpfffffffff nevermind i can live without noggit 1.4 is after all still workin'

    You can easily compile it by yourself if you don't want to update your Visual C++. :P I just compiled it with Visual Studio 2015 because i don't have any other version installed anymore.

  9. 5 hours ago, Koward said:

    I don't think you can be motivated by "non sharing". I think what can motivate is profit, whether in the form of money or peer recognition.

    However I don't know if the modding of WoW has reached a status where there's enough money and public to maintain innovation through competition like what we can observe in other fields. In small communities, the risk of abandon is present even in closed source.

    I've cancelled so many closed source projects already that i can't even count anymore.

    I'm motivated to release things because i love to make people happy and see/read their reactions. It's a pretty awesome reward for me.

    • Like 3

  10. 27 minutes ago, Koward said:

    It's once again the open source/closed source debate.

    I would just like to remind those who do not publish anything that without the Wiki and other important resources you would all have absolutely nothing. Everything you're basing your work on has been shared for free by others.

    It's human to want the thanks and the credit. It makes you feel good, integrated and indispensable, it's a basic instinct. In the past and on another forums, some people took my work too, and I felt the same pain and rage in my heart. Yes, people will always just thank the last man at the chain like if he was the one that invented the wheel, whether it's the actual author of something or some reposter. But amongst those people, there were some that now make progress and share new things. Even 1 over 10000 leechers is enough to make difference. And then others will base their work on their stuff too.

    Look at the catastrophic Mangos situation. Every little server do its own fixes, then die years later, and everyone in the world is always fixing the same god damn Darkshore quest. Is this what we want ? Is this really the most efficient way to work in 2016 ? We should not do that for any project. Not for emulation, not for modding, not for anything.

    So if it's your goal to get thanks (and it's perfectly normal), go ahead, keep for yourself whatever you do. But if you want to do something beyond your own person, and make the community progress as a whole, then please share.


    100% this. I wanted to write the same but u were faster. :P I mentioned TrinityCore for the example, but every other core fits too. 

    • Like 1

  11. 12 hours ago, Rangorn said:

    I'm paranoiac, i don't want to share programs whose can be used for concurents servers (i'm talking about french community)


    It's your opinion and i accept that, but i really can't understand it. What would be the problem when other people would use them? The amount of custom servers is extremely low and every new one will just push the modding community forwards. Every guy who will join the modding community could be the creator a bugfree map editor or whatever tool you could also need and can't do yourself.

    I'm looking for a good custom server for years now (i'm not even exaggerating) and never found one. There are so many screenshots and videos of cool projects out there, but the servers will never go live (or die after like a week), because it's a huge load of work which can be quite depressing if Noggit deletes 3 hours of work because you saved twice for example. With every useful tool the chance will get higher to finally see a good server online someday.

    And if you think that other custom servers will steal your players: Competition is good for business. The more players are interested in playing custom servers, the more players will join. Examples: "A: Hey B, let's play on Rangorns Custom Server! B: Yeah, why not! Looks great!", "This is a custom server with 100+ players? This has to be a good one, let's check it out"

    And if all players really go to a different custom server: You did something horribly wrong (e.g. not listening to your community, no game content), but this hasn't anything to do with some tools you released or not. They would have left anyway sooner or later.

    • Like 8

  12. 1 hour ago, Hyakkimaru said:

    Guys, if you are good with C# you can revive some repositerory/ies ;)

    I think about this one https://bitbucket.org/LeorFinacre/world-editor

    World Editor is an old project but it works, you can edit

    • Loading tips
    • Reserved Names
    • Achivements
    • Factions/Reputations
    • Points of interest
    • Talents
    • Jobs
    • Titles
    • Gems

    Instead of dev new ones, why people cannot complete this one ? and debug some issues :D ! (This program is basically written in french, I can help to translate it into English if someone wants to make a multi language program)


    I remember an other thing, but it doesn't exist anymore : a guy modified Wow Model Viewer, when he creates a new npc display, he saves it as a custom format, this format was creating blp + a sql/txt/whatever line you can add directly in your DBCs and in your Database, it was very useful !

    Translation + a list of things that doesn't work as expected would be nice.

  13. 20 minutes ago, megamoocow said:

    We have many random tools that do a few thing's that we need done, but before we start wanting new tools (which would be nice don't get me wrong!) i want to see Nogg-it get finished. I would love to see a team get on that tool and fix it and get it as bug free and feature complete as possible! heck put some of the WMV stuff in it so we can preview models right from the MPQ! also allow import/export of adt's a built in light mapper so we can place light's! If we could get as many as 5 good coders on that tool, they would be heros of the WOW modding world, but it seems people get fired up about some new world making tool then when that dies we are all back to Nogg-it again.


    Anyways fix/improve good ol Nogg-it!

    I explained this in the starting post: Many developers just don't have experience in e.g. rendering 3d things so they can't just continue Noggit. Also the Noggit code is pretty "untidy". Other tools are usually easier to develope, because you don't need such experience, so i started this thread to get some ideas.

  14. 9 minutes ago, sshroud said:

    M2 importer/exporter for Blender would be a big one, I really hoppe Koward's m2 plugin will be available for Blender. Another tool I think would be great, and not too ambitious, is a tool that converts the DBC tables into SQL tables, and can be exported back as DBC. This way it would be a lot easier to work on it(queries) and deal with it using version control.

    I've already seen a DBC to SQL tool somewhere..

  15. Heyho,

    yesterday Skarn told me about the little conversation that some of you had about paying developers and stuff like that.

    In my opinion it isn't like that we (read as: developers) aren't motivated because we want to get money for our stuff.
    Many people actually want to create useful tools for the modding and/or emulation scene, but just don't have good ideas or the needed experience for projects they could do.
    But that's a point where you could bring your ideas in!

    Tell us which software would make your life much easier.
    It doesn't matter if you would like to see a launcher, a renaming tool, a tool which will automate a process or a CASC editor. Just tell us what you need.

    I'll list every requested software in this post. Let's hope that some developer out there can fulfill your wish. :)
    Edit: I'm not as active as i'm used to be, that's why probably some ideas are missing and/or not linked.

    Our requests:


    (I obviously don't list something like "a good, working map editor", because that's something that everyone wants to have.. :P )

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