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Posts posted by Kaev

  1. I'm not sure if Blizz is using MPQ or CASC files in the SC2 client, but you could check that by downloading their client. Afaik it's free 2 play if you don't want to play the campaign or ranked multiplayer games. If they use them, you could try to extract them from there.

  2. 3 hours ago, Rangorn said:

    If i seems so mad about 3.3.5, it's about people who wants to create private servers WITH PEOPLE on WOTLK...

    This doesn't apply to pve/pvp servers, but i really hate people who want to open a 3.3.5 server for players, just because it's easier for them.

    People want new content, just look at RP servers, the working one like RPH, Paragon, Luzifix's server and mine are all working under Wod or Legion, not 3.3.5

    I don't blame the people on 3.3.5 if they only want to do personnal stuff without doing it for people, just move ur ass on a decent expansion then.

    -> Maybe not everyone wants to create an RP server? What about custom PvE servers? You can't create a good one without a stable core where all the base stuff is working. That's why many people prefer 3.3.5 over newer versions.
    Also i know many players who don't like the newer versions, why should i force them to a newer version if they don't want to?


    Oh and yeah, if i didn't really contribute to wowdev wiki, i'm not familiar with the pseudo-code structure and my english is really bad, sorry about that.

    -> You can't add a new point in a list with the description "Changes texture count from 4 to 8" to the wiki? You don't need to write a whole book. There's also to option to quickly join WoWDev Discord, modcraft IRC or write anyone of us a PM and tell the people what you have found and ask them if they could add that. This thread was a good start until you raged about us not being thankful enough or something like that.


    I'm curious, you did not fear concurence ? Imagine if an another german server rise, use what u did on this community and became the 1st german server ? This is another reason what i did not share everything, i have my own private server and i want to stay number one (thrown it at him not me)

    -> If you deliver good content, there is no reason to fear concurrence. Your players will leave the server if your content/game design or the communication with your players is bad.
    Also, for me, it's not important to have the most players. It's about developing high quality content. If it is good, the players will have fun and they will tell their friends to play there too. This will automatically result in a high amount of players.


    Random people :

    => Cata+ is not stable

    We are running roleplay server, we didn't need all theses features, it's good.

    -> Just because you don't need all these features, it doesn't mean that we don't need them.


    Like i said, i know what schlumpf did, but it's not a reason to suck his dick when he is really agressive when he talk.

    -> Why do you expect this from us then? We neither idolize schlumpf nor you - But this doesn't mean that we aren't thankful for the work you guys did.


    NOW, CLOSE this thread and you can BAN me from MC.NET !

    -> As i said, i won't ban you, Skarn didn't give me the rank for moderating anything, i just help developing in the future. If you get banned, then it's probably only for insulting, because you couldn't find another way to defend yourself. That's pretty sad btw.


  3. 9 hours ago, MR.Farrarie said:

    most people know what Schlumpf did for wow modding no one denies it

    specially Schlumpf never refused to help other when they ask him

    but what is Rangorn trying to do in my opinion is trying to tell people that Legion modding is possible

    maybe this is a misunderstanding both of them answered many question helping me and other in modding so in my opinion they are great people

    some people will talk to you with respect but in their heart they don't want to help you but other maybe will argue with you some times but in truth they really want to help you

    (( don't judge the person when he say something when he is furious ))


    We never denied that Legion modding is possible - We know it is possible. Everything we need to mod it succesfully is informations. It's great that he found some informations that we don't have yet - But if he wants us to idolize (is this the correct word? i think so) him to share his found informations, we really don't need him or his knowledge. There are enough intelligent people out there who will find out such things sooner or later and share it. And this isn't the first time he's like that.

  4. You're using all the knowledge that other people gathered over all the years and using all the tools that other people developed and probably never said thanks to schlumpf and co for releasing all their informations and now you're pissed because schlumpf reminded you to add your knowledge to the wiki (so others can learn from that and starting development on new stuff like you did too) instead of telling you how great you are? Seriously, fuck off, we don't need people like you. You never give, you only take.

    Sadly i only got the moderator rank to help out Skarn with some plugins for the forum, otherwise i would have permanently banned you. You are a disgusting person.

    • Like 5

  5. 12 hours ago, Amaroth said:

    Now, guys, tell me. Anyone. Why the actual FUCK is TrinityCore doing this. Releasing unfinished, malfunctional things. Redoing things which were WORKING. Fixnig things which WERE NOT broken. Its overengineering and utterly stupid in my opinion, and its not for the first time TC has done something similiar.

    Iirc there actually were some problems with the game object rotation, but i can't remember what it was anymore. Pretty sure there is/was a ticket in their GitHub issues about this.

    EDIT: Searched it, not sure if it was this problem or another, but there are tickets about wrong game object rotation. https://github.com/TrinityCore/TrinityCore/issues/4543

  6. ID: New id in the DBC

    SkillLine: Id of the skill line (i also like the name skill family for it) in the SkillLine.dbc

    ChrRaces: -1 (Allow for every race)

    ChrClasses: 1 (Allow for warrior)

    Flags: Check what other weapons skill have, probably 0

    RequLvl: 1 (Level requirement)

    SkillTierId: Id of the skill tier in the SkillTiers.dbc

    SkillCostId: Id of the skill cost in the SkillCostsData.dbc


    Sadly it's not as easy as "give class X skill id Y on creation" anymore when using DBC files.

  7. 22 minutes ago, Смердокрыл said:

    That's very useful, thanks!

    Words aren't always the problem though. I now understand the difference between yaw and pitch, but I don't understand the overall meaning of some fields. Basically, what do they do? The fields are: 

    • mouseLookOffsetPitch
    • cameraPitchOffset
    • facingLimit[Right/Left]
    • msslTrgt[Turn/Pitch/Mouse]Lingering
    • msslTrgtEndOpacity
    • cameraYawOffset
    • uiLocomotionType

    Offset = a value of how much is something shifted, e.g. a offset of 5 could be 5 pixel away from the middle of screen

    mouseLookOffsetPitch = Probably the offset off the pitch of the camera that you have when you are in the vehicle

    cameryPitchOffset = Probably camera always Offset away from something (i could think of the middle of the vehicle, like 20 could mean 20 pixel to right to have a third-person-camera feeling or smth.)

    facingLimit = Probably how much you can spin ur camera or smth?

    Lingering = Afaik that's something like a delay

    EndOpacity = How much is the the thing visible, like 50% opacity = 50% transparency at the end of the movement of the vehicle

    LocomotionType = Locomotion is probably the way the vehicle will move, no idea what that could be though


    Again, i rly don't know if it is like that, but that comes in my brain when i think about these variable names in combination with some 3D stuff.

  8. 5 hours ago, Kadzhazmit said:

    Hi. Are you going to add new features ? Such as the undo\redo buttons, scaleable texture support, opening of all maps?

    You can request such things in the Noggit issue tracker. :)

    • Like 2

  9. 3 hours ago, shihuang214 said:

    The biggest problem is that is not show post in which year ,for example only show posted may 30th,but which year?

    I do not know whether the information is up to date!

    You can change that in your settings on modcraft. :)

    • Like 1

  10. 4 hours ago, WithinAmnesia said:

    @Kaev Thanks mate! Now new WoW Noggit users will have a better time without having to put 4 textures on each tile XD!

    Schlumpf fixed that, not me. Thanks to him. :)

    • Like 1

  11. Just now, WithinAmnesia said:

    @Kaev Alright mate, you make a strong point. So much to do so little time! One step at a time eh?

    Correct. As a hobby game developer i can tell you, that MMORPGs are huge ton of work. It's already hard to focus on a little game for some months and polish it. If you're REALLY interested in making MMORPGs, create some games, polish them, use them as a portfolio and try to join an existing company.

    I mean, it's not impossible to create an MMORPG as an indie (e.g. look at Albion Online and such games), but you need some really experienced developers and multiple artists for everything (models, music and sounds, world builders, textures, game design, core developers, client developers, tool developers, database developers, community managers and the list goes on and on). And the guys you will need for that want to be paid too. 

    But that's the great thing about WoW private servers. You can be a little part of everything. You can modify your core to script some cool bosses. You can use Noggit and create a nice world for your bosses. You have to create database entries for your bosses. If you don't find a fitting model, you can create a custom 3D model and add it to the client. You have to build up a community and make them happy. You have to think about representing yourself and the server (e.g. how will your advertising thread or your homepage look). You can learn how to write some tools that will make your work faster and easier.

  12. First: Before you dream off a completely own MMORPG, finish tons of other games and/or proof of concepts. Take a look at this: http://www.gamedev.net/blog/355/entry-2250155-why-you-shouldnt-be-making-an-mmo/


    Imo it's still worth to create private servers. They just took Nost down, because they had a incredible amount of players and hosted their servers in the EU. If you really expect a large playerbase: Rent a server in russia, they don't give a fuck about DMCA. That's how Warmane does it and that's why they are still online.

    If we would think that it's senseless, we wouldn't be on this forum anymore. WoW Modding is just a specific part of the emulator community in my eyes. We can do crazy shit with emulators and client modding, so


    • Like 1

  13. 9 hours ago, Смердокрыл said:


    I made a little edit to SpellEffect.dbc and I get a worldserver crash with the following error:

    ./dbc/SpellEffect.dbc exists, and has 27 field(s) (expected 27). Extracted file might be from wrong client version or a database-update has been forgotten.


    What did you change? Seems like you or the dbc editor did something wrong. It looks like TC is expecting a field with type A but in your file it's type B. (A and B are obviously some placeholders, we don't know what went wrong (yet))

    I've encountered this problem a lot when i ported some parts of TC from 3.3.5 to 2.4.3, but forgot to port the DBC structure from WotLk to TBC.

  14. Hiho,

    i've posted the link in the chatbox and was surprised that some people didn't knew about this website.

    You can find the generators at http://emudevs.com/gen/

    There are NPC, Item, Weapon, Quest and SmartAI generators.

    If you find any bugs or a generator gets outdated, pls post it in the emudevs forum so we can fix it.

    Thanks and happy modding! :)

    • Like 1

  15. If anyone wants to do this, here's the calculation (also backwards, schlumpf didn't want to explain it) in PHP.


    $b1 = 17367552; // PlayerBytes in Character table 
    $b2 = 33554436; // PlayerBytes2 in Character table
    // Set Character Features
    $hc = ($b1>>24)%256; // Hairs color
    $ha = ($b1>>16)%256; // Hairs
    $fa = ($b1>>8)%256; // Face
    $sk = $b1%256; // Skin
    $fh = $b2%256; // Facial / Others
    echo "Hairs : ".$ha."<br>";
    echo "Hair Color : ".$hc."<br>";
    echo "Face : ".$fa."<br>";
    echo "Skin : ".$sk."<br>";
    echo "Facial/Other : ".$fh."<br>";
    $a= $hc&0xff; // Hairs color
    $b= $ha&0xff; // Hairs
    $c= $fa&0xff; // Face
    $d= $sk&0xff; // Skin
    $z =  ($a<<24) | ($b<<16) |  ($c<<8) |  ($d<<0); // PlayerBytes
    echo "PlayerBytes: ".$z."<br>";
    $pb2 = (256 * ($b2/256));
    echo "PlayerBytes2: ".$pb2."<br>";
    • Like 1

  16. Do you use Microsoft Search (normal windows search engine)? If the answer is yes, type in 


    I tested it like that:

    I have 2 files: at_anweisung_combined.ico and at_baustein_combined.ico
    My searchtext was at AND NOT baustein
    Result: I only got at_anweisung_combined.ico

    If you want to know more about such things, you have to search for "Microsoft Search".