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Posts posted by Смердокрыл

  1. 2 hours ago, Inico said:

    I don't know, never modded in Cata+. I guess you can try adding the transparency with blend mode overrides, but the flags are different.

    I tried following your tutorial exactly, but PyModelEditor seems unable to Edit Textures of the humanmale model (wotlk version) and gives error key 15. Also, in the .skin files, there was no d4 field, so I assumed, judging by order, that it's the one called op_count in the template I'm using (which seems to be the same as yours, except for this) and changed that. In the end, nothing really changed (same results as I posted before).

    An unrelated thought: the client does allow transparency for the character's eyeglow. Would it be possible to fool it by switching the two around and the activating the needed geoset by spell applied on item equip, for example?

  2. 30 minutes ago, Inico said:

    I just tested it. Cloak transparency doesn't work in Cataclysm or Mop. Only WotLK. Cloaks seem to be applied the same way body textures works, and that's why it doesn't read alpha channels. Tested on 4.0.6 and 5.4.8.

    Is there any way to change that? I mean, is that server-side or inside the client itself?

  3. 57 minutes ago, Inico said:

    Try using my texture. It's used by this item: Cloak of Darkness




    57 minutes ago, Inico said:

    So if you are using another game version it may not work the same way

    I'm on Cata

    57 minutes ago, Inico said:

    One thing you can do if the problem persists: convert the texture to png and then convert it back to BLP. It fixes some WoD texture problems (also, check if it loses its transparency when you convert it to png).

    Didn't help, unfortunately :(

  4. 19 hours ago, Inico said:

    If the renderflag is Mod2x the darker parts of your texture automatically become transparent, even when the texture doesn't have transparency itself, so it doesn't matter. Maybe the texture doesn't have an alpha channel.


    Ok, so I'm testing this cloak and so far I could only get these results:

    Unk_wod (kinda like opaque with unlit flag):



    Whereas I want the red stuff to be completely opaque, while the black stuff (the texture IS transparent there, and blplab identifies it as such if you click show/hide alpha) to be completely transparent

  5. On 25.10.2017 at 8:16 PM, Inico said:



    I just tried doing that by changing the render flag used by the geoset, I even tried changing all possible render flags to the same thing - it all acts seemingly right (textures become kinda transparent when it's mod2x and no flags, for example), but the transparent area of the texture is still black color, as if it is in the texture itself!

  6. Hi!

    Got another question here: how can I edit spell missiles? I know about SpellMissile.dbc but it seems to have an effect on very few things. Among the parameters I'm interested in editing are:

    • Where the missile appears/flies from
    • Which part of the enemy it hits
    • How fast it appears
    • Its trajectory

    An example of a current spell I'm working on: a gun shot, where the player aims with his ranged weapon (takes a second, I think) and then shoots. The bullet flies fast in a straight path and deals damage to the enemy. At the moment, however, what happens is that the bullet appears not when the shot is fired, but almost simultaneously with the damage already being dealt to the enemy. Moreover, it flies not out of the pistol, but out of the player character's belly button, which is a rather strange mechanism to imagine. So, I would obviously like to know how to fix these issues. Also, after I've done that, I'm afraid that the bullet might automatically follow the enemy, wherease I would want it to shoot straight, like a real bullet, and miss if the enemy is no longer there. I suspect that this issue might be very challenging to address in terms of the game mechanics, and it is not really a priority for me, compared with the other two.

    P.S. Because the gun model I use is not an original WoW model, it does not have any internal shot animation like gunpowder smoke, etc. So, I would be glad if someone could suggest how to attach such effect manually (in the dbcs). So far, using basic dbc editing, I only managed to attach a sort of dusty explosion effect to the character's hand, not the weapon.

  7. 5 minutes ago, MR.Farrarie said:

    you need to change the render blendingmode to (alpha testing) flag to (two sided) its all in the m2 renderflags

    then apply the flag to the cloak in the skin01 file

    How can I tell which geoset is the cloak?

    Also, why don't blizzard do that? It seems much more efficient than creating a new geoset for every new type of cloak.

  8. I doubt I'll have anywhere close to 100 players, and my DB size is just a tiny bit more than the usual cata blizzlike DB.

    And I imagine it makes the most sense to get the VPS somewhere between my location and the location of my players, right?

  9. 10 hours ago, Amaroth said:

    I am czech. And people ignorant enough to call me russian are usually from USA, and I hate when they do so, as communistic times turned this into insult for me.


    Sorry, didn't mean to offend. I haven't communicated with you in any language other than english (on this forum), so I just confused you with some russian user.

    So, could you recommend some

    20 hours ago, Смердокрыл said:

    parameters for a wow server hosting (disk space/ram/platform/etc.)?



  10. Just now, Amaroth said:


    Thats czech provider, obviously. I have absolutely 0 experience with foreign providers, as there was no need for me to ever buy server elsewhere.

    I don't mind a provider in Russia, if you can recommend one. However, I'd like to know what are the requirements/recommended parameters for a wow server hosting (disk space/ram/platform/etc.)?

  11. On 26.04.2016 at 8:00 AM, Amaroth said:

    VPS which can hold server for about 100-200 players online costs about 15-20€/month, maybe even less, depending a lot on where you want to rent it


    Could you suggest a specific provider, or some search categories to fit WoW?

  12. 1 hour ago, barncastle said:

    Wouldn't it just be easier to replicate the events in your new model?


    Since players are actually going to mount the harness, not the carriage itself, I want the harness to make all those sounds on movement/idle/etc. Strangely enough, all events in struct M2Array events are exactly the same for this harness model and for that original carriage model, yet the former makes no sounds at all.

    1 hour ago, barncastle said:

    guess of what sound goes where


    No problem

    1 hour ago, barncastle said:




    • Like 1

  13. 46 minutes ago, barncastle said:

    I don't see why that wouldn't work. If I were to take a guess I'd say that these type of sound events are mainly used when the sounds are unique to a model which would save the designer from having to edit DBCs or... out of laziness :) 

    I know, but the fields in CreatureSoundData seem rather specific, and I'm not sure as to which Sound entry goes into which field (such as Jingles or Wheels)

  14. I found these sound entries for the carriage, but there is no entry in CreatureSoundData that uses them. Would it be possible for me to create one, stick those sound entries into the right fields, and then make another carriage model use them in the same fashion?


  15. Just now, wungasaurus said:

    If it isn't the server, there is, uh, the client.

    I know, but I thought the client sails as its server commands.

    So, do I understand correctly, that the client is taken from blizzard (obviously) and the server is hand-made by the TrinityCore enthusiasts in order to provide the client with values so that it, through mechanisms mostly unknown, produces the desired result?