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File Comments posted by Смердокрыл

  1. Why would WMV crash on WMOs?

     I've no idea, but it always does for me.

    Same here.

    Hey! I found out that only the newer versions of WMV crash on wmos, while some of the older ones don't. The newest that still supports wmos is this one.

    Edit: still try not to view the _xxx.wmo's, because they could crash.

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  2. That's cool but why do you need import.txt? Why not just use WMV connected to your Noggit and use it to pick necessary models and spawn them.

    Well, firstly, WMV will crash if you try to view a .wmo. Secondly, at least that's how it is for me, noggit has to be restarted in order to recognise the changes to the file you are importing from.

  3. From my experience, wmos with three numbers at the end always crash.
    For example, you want to spawn Dalaran. Don't spawn ND_Dalaran_***.wmo (*** = three numbers, e.g. 081), because it will crash. Spawn ND_Dalaran.wmo - it won't.

    Also, if you want to spawn a city (like Dalaran, again), it will most likely disappear if you move to far away from the center of the gobject. Changing the "size" field in truice (or a similar program) to a big number usually helps.

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