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Everything posted by wowhero39

  1. I follow tuturial retroport an model from shadowlands to 3.3.5 and on modelviwer this apear Can any one tell me how i use 010 to remove this white texture thing?
  2. Ive manage get an Uther char apear on wow modelviwer but after put on serverside and try spawn him my game crashed
  3. I dont have credit card i just need some one teach me thats all
  4. Hi im new here so i have quetion how is possible put and wow model like nightborne or void elf on 3.3.5 i need advice
  5. how i added this on 3.3.5

    1. Show previous comments  12 more
    2. wowhero39


      and were i put the void mods


    3. wowhero39


      Are voids mods only free download and now i spawn mods?ingame i mean

    4. wowhero39


      and how Morph to these charaters?