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File Comments posted by MR.Farrarie

  1. 9 hours ago, Callmephil said:

    Tried out didn't seems to work for me. i changed Characters Race Models instead.

    I've also found another bug some weapon models have some sort of 3D "Gravity Effect" like this one

    using the converter will make the effect static.

    its not the converter 335 don't have phys it been added in mop

    and its nearly impossible to convert to lower expansion if a phys from legion you cant convert to wod

    or if you did it will be fucked up

  2. On ‎3‎/‎2‎/‎2017 at 7:55 PM, Callmephil said:

    Perfect Working Tool also Tested With 7.2 Content.

    However some item such all helmet > 7.X+ has wrong head positions. i'm trying to figure out how to fix it.

    check inico py script it fix the helmet problem

  3. 4 hours ago, Simple_spectr said:

    There is some problem in this beautiful converter. When you convert wmo's from Cata client will crash after you become to this wmo ingame. Only crash without error log. (Cata for example, because mb with Pandaria wmo same thing happening, Ive tested it only on Cata wmo's - Wildhammer one)  

    DUDE you can get cata wmo from legion

    there is no difference

  4. the problem is after v4 of this legendary tool cuase some bug and crashes to most m2s and wmos I hope the tool get updated

    some particules are so bright some item don't have anim like chains in the item if that possible to fix in WOTLK

    and some Skybox are bugged when convert and particules use one color but in legion use two like void spell only use purple and in WOD black and purple even if I use the WOD particulecolor.dbc

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  5. Version 2.0.5 corrupt some of the m2 like Guldan model have corrupted submesh in his face and many models have weird textures like harpy2 look at her sholder have weird texture but when I use a previos version

    and thank you again for this amasing tool !!