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Everything posted by Asherystrasz

  1. Solved. By using Adspartan's Converter tool, we managed to make it work :-)
  2. So recently I have been indulged in a project, where we are trying to get Legion wmos to work on WoD. Most about it works, but the wmos seemingly load the first texture file. And uses said file for all other non-doodad textures. I am using Legion files. I am trying to downport the wmos to Modders of model-changing; I would love your help in this matter :-)
  3. Hello all. I am pretty novice and have only done minor modding. I am currently creating a patch for some guildies on a WoD Server and thus trying to create some new morphs. But since CreatureDisplayInfo changed to a .db2 format, it's has been hard for me to find a tool or a method to edit it. Why I come to you guys for help. I wondered if either you had a tool to convert the .csv (I tried WoW Parser, but it only let me convert it to .csv not convert it back to .db2 format), or that you had a Hex Editor template so I edit it directly there. Anything would really help really.
  4. I think he means that there is no Creature_TI BLP 1, 2, 3 files listed in the db2 format when opened in DB2Editor.
  5. Thanks. This seems to work. I will work around it. Thanks for your help, it meant a lot.
  6. Ce prgoramme a été désactivé, il ne peut plus étre utilisé This program has been deactivated and cannot be used?