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Everything posted by Paradox

  1. Version 1.0.0


    I have created a version of the CharacterCreate screen that is inspired by what Shadowlands is going to offer. I've already shared it on the AzerothCore forum and I'm releasing it here too. Some bugs are still present when the game resolution is under 1280 x 720. The interface bugs a bit below this resolution. If anyone knows how to add a "zoom" function for the CharactersScreen I'm interested to zoom the heads of the characters when the customization step is in progress. (Ideally the zoom could work with the scroll wheel) Screenshots available here : - Character Create & Select Screen : - Character Select Pḧoto Mode : - Patch.MPQ for new modders or beginers or "noob" :
  2. I'm planning to update totally to have the same interface as Shadowlands, but not for the moment I'm too busy on my server ^^
  3. Heyio, Après avoir partagés ses tutoriels sur un autre forum que je ne citerais pas (mesure de respect), je me permet de les partager ici aussi! Pré-requis Un serveur ElunaTrinityWotlk ou AzerothCore Une connexion internet Sommaire Créer son Haut Fait Les catégories de Haut Fait Conditions de Haut Fait I. Créer son Haut Fait II. Categories des Haut Fait III. Conditions des Haut Fait Merci pour votre écoute et votre attention pour ce tutoriel. Je vous dis à la prochaine pour justement un prochain tutoriel.
  4. Tu peux m'envoyer ta DBC sur Discord ? iThorgrim#1775
  5. What you're saying is not untrue, but obviously it takes longer: "I was working some weeks on downporting vulpera character models to 3.3.5 and had some success in doing so." Charging several weeks of work only 75$ I find it very little, hence my remark
  6. You're estimating $75 worth of work time. For retro-porting a functional race with the Barbershop, Sounds, Fingerprints etc. it's not much. It's possible to have a preview of the used folders (name of Vulperan Folders), I'm slightly suspicious because your problem with the Barbershop looks a lot like what we can find on the Sirius server ^^
  7. Ce Wow.exe ne créés pas de dossier Cache et est LUA Unlock. Par contre je vois pas vraiment comment un serveur peu bannir un utilisateur qui n'utilise pas le Wow.exe officiel, pour celui d'Alastor cela me parait normal .... on peu fly avec double espace ...
  8. Download this Wow.exe Wow.exe
  9. I have make a .MPQ if u want :
  10. Toujours présent Alors, du coup ce que j'ai fait, j'ai ajouté un fichier .MPQ que je t'invite à mettre dans ton dossier Data
  11. Because I explained my reason in the description
  12. Yes it's possible, i making a new version with somes additionnal features
  13. Just put this on a new folder in ur data forlder Data > Patch-Z.MPQ
  14. It's automatically translated (I'm French and i have a French Client ^^ in French Appearance is Apparence)
  15. It's still under "Development" I imported a lot of BFA > TLK animations but I still have some problems. Anyway when an update will be done it will be put on Github and on this site
  16. Thanks, some in-game interface change are coming (Mount Interface, SpellBook etc.)
  17. Version 1.0.0


    A lot of Custom Icons. "Being a Dream Builder" For my first share, here are some icons that I had retrieved a while ago on a graphic designer's website. Unfortunately I don't have the name of this one nor even the link of his site (If you pass by here don't hesitate to send me a PM that I'll add in the credits ? ) There are a lot of custom icons (+1 489 Custom Icons) and I added a BLP converter Enjoy and good modding to you