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Posts posted by Grindi

  1. 1 hour ago, Смердокрыл said:

    What about Permanent Feign Death (Drowned Anim)? I've seen many other let's say "technical" spells, which make you use an animation.

    This type of spells only force player or creature to use animation, they dont REPLACE animations.

    For example, running wild spell replace worgen's move and jump animation.

    1 hour ago, Смердокрыл said:

    P.S.How did you make the link to the spell look like that?

    what do you mean? i just copied link from wowhead.


  2. 15 hours ago, Смердокрыл said:

    Animation spell - makes your character show a certain animation. Also, is it possible to make a spell that would replace animations? E.g. if you morph into a dragon and use .gm fly on, he will appear as walking on air or swimming. If you aplly the spell, those animations will be replaced with flying animations.

    Its not possible on 3.3.5, but it is possible on 4.3.4. You should look at how Running Wild works.

  3. 15 hours ago, Смердокрыл said:

    Is this gonna make the faction friendly or hostile? How to make it opposite?


    15 hours ago, Смердокрыл said:

    base points - 4

    1 - hostile, 4 - friendly

    15 hours ago, Смердокрыл said:

    But what about a mount spell with no mount? Kinda like Vial of Sands?

    Vial of Sands works exactly like any other mount, but it have one effect more - morph effect.

    Any dmg can drop you from this "mount" and you cant use it indoor, so its not the solution.

  4. In spell.dbc you must create new entry, put in all params that you want to use and than you must open spelleffects.dbc and create one line with effect for your spell. (You link those 2 dbc via SpellID in spelleffect.dbc (25column))

  5. 6 minutes ago, Смердокрыл said:

    I can't find any of those fields in my Spell.dbc. Are you sure it works in Cata?

    It works in LK, you didnt mention that you want to do it in cata.

    And yeah, it should work in cata too, cuz spell.dbc in cata looks like spell.dbc in LK, but spell effects are in another dbc. So yeah, you must edit 2 dbc in cata to do spells.

  6. Morph spell - такие спеллы делаются с помощью: / such spells can be done by using:


    aura id 56 (SPELL_AURA_TRANSFORM)

    target - 1 (self)

    misc value = айди моба, в которого ты хочешь морфануть / creature's id


    Scale spells :


    aura id 239 (SPELL_AURA_MOD_SCALE)

    base points = % увеличения/уменьшения размера / scale %

    target - 1 (self)


    Flying spell - такого рода спеллы сделать нельзя; Нужно скриптовать через ядро. / cant be done via dbc, you must script it in core


    Attach spell:


    aura id 4 (Dummy) (используется, как пустышка, не нужно скриптовать)

    target - 1 (self)

    spell visual = айди визуального эффекта, который ты заранее создал / id of visual effect


    Faction spell:



    target - 1 (self)

    base points - 4

    misc value = айди фракции / faction id


    • Like 4

  7. 10 hours ago, crum said:

    Is it possible to create an addon based off the cataclysm and up instances to show the instance map on the world map along with player/party blips to track your cords?

    You dont need to create addon for it. Just use .dbc files.


