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Showing content with the highest reputation since 09/08/2015 in Videos

  1. 2 points
    Proof of concept only, not for distribution. It was a personal challenge, build a simple persistent farming system for wow. I used 3.3.5 because i'm more familiar with it and i built a lot of editing tool for it over the years. Seed items can be used on special land plots to grow crop. Crop speed was 5s/state for this demo but is fully customisable. Once the crop reached the final state of growth, you can harvest it using another spell. It triggers a loot frame, once everything is looted the crop despawn. Crops are persistents : crop evolution state is saved in DB Fully customizable : crops have 5 evolution states with 4 differents timers and gameobject ids for the skin Loots are generated by the system, not linked in the last gameobject, looted amount are scaled on the crop fertilisation level The example show only one seed, different seed items can be used
  2. 1 point
  3. 1 point
    In this video I am creating custom World of Warcraft styled worldmap using Adobe Photoshop and a custom .PSD template. The template can be downloaded here Big thanks to Vellear for providing Blizzlike assets for worldmaps.