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Showing content with the highest reputation since 07/03/2023 in Files

  1. 8 points

    Version v6


    This is all content that has been successfully ported from all expansions up to Shadowlands to work with WotLK. Technically, it's ALL m2s/wmos and their linked textures exported from retail 9.2.5 using the WoW Export tool. Then all files were TXID fixed, along with being ran in the MultiConverter. Afterwards, a python tool I made was used to remove all files overlapping from vanilla WotLK content. This ensures that ONLY expansion content is in this file. I am absolutely confident this is currently the best patch available for this kind of content. Enjoy M2s, WMOs, tilesets, textures, flames, and other visuals from Shadowlands, BFA, Legion, WoD, MoP, and Cata. The files are available in BOTH an MPQ and loose file format. The MPQ version is a 15.3GB download, labelled Patch-N.MPQ. The loose files are in a highly compressed 12.2GB .rar file. When either of these are exported, there should be 179,530 files totaling 28.8GB. If you'd like to use it in noggit or your client regardless of the content, download the MPQ version and place it in your Data folder. If you want to only use the tilesets or specific expansion content, download the loose file version and create your own patches with MPQ Editor. THANK YOU FOR THE FOLLOWING RESOURCES, WITHOUT THEM BEING AVAILABLE, THIS PATCH WOULD NOT EXIST - Zarkeven's WMO Patch Alastor's Expansion patch, commissioned and distributed by Valaryon TXID Fixer Adspartan's MultiConverter, adjusted by MaxtorCoder MPQ Editor (3.2) WoW Export Implave's WMO's 8.2-10.1 Implave's 8.1.5 - 10.1.7 WMOs downconverted to WotLK 1.0.0 Implave's Fixed 8.2-10.1 Tilesets 1.0.0 Known issues - A lot of Shadowlands WMOs don't work. I ran this in TXID fixer, then Multiconverter, so I couldn't say why they don't. They just don't. Lava/Slime is broken. You might want to delete them before making your patches. No DBC files are in the .rar. These can only be spawned in noggit and not in-game. My meme name for the folder is still in there, dubbed "supergoodportedstuffnotedited". Woops. Notes - If I find the time to separate these patches out, I'll return with a patch to update this link. If given the same circumstances, I'll also provide a DBC file to merge with yours along with instructions to spawn them in-game. Keep an eye out for updates here if they happen If used, credits are appreciated! This took about 3 days to complete along with 200GB of drive real estate to mess with these files and make sure a working product was achieved. That does not include the cooperation of community members who contributed to this resource - those individuals should be thanked and appreciated for their contributions to make this happen! Also, check out Ember, where this content will be used in a roleplay setting! Thank you for your time and reading this. This is my first submission to model-changing.net and I hope it's useful to someone.
  2. 3 points

    Version 2.1


    About There are 2-3 similar patches but I couldn't use them as they have some bugs like green textures, missing races or holes instead of ears/attachments etc. So that was the goal for this project. How to install 1. Put SoundCache-patch-15595.mpq to Data/Cache 2. Rename wow.exe from archive and put it in wow folder. If you run your usual wow.exe it will delete edited patch. Version History 1.0 (2021/07/23) Release 1.1 (2021/08/03) IMPORTANT: fixed ChrRaces table related crashes. CSV2DBC made a corrupted file. Thanks to multyhunter for providing error logs. Added missing records to Creature*.dbc tables from 15595 build 1.2 (2021/08/06) Fixed human model scaling in dbc. It caused badly drawn visual effects on humans. My table editors are going crazy with cata dbcs and changing values randomly for some reason. I hope it's the last hotfix. Credits to multyhunter for finding this trouble. 1.3 (2021/08/12) Reverted some helmet fixes. I messed up smth with texture paths. 1.4 (2021/08/15) Cloacks fixed (except guild cloacks atm) 2.0 (2022/02/13) Fixed Scourge Male hands attachments (they held map, drinks and spells in wrong hand) NPC textures added (no hidden helmets anymore. Don't know the author. Thanks to warfoll02 for finding a patch with textures) 2.1 (2022/07/01) I accidentally put old UVs in previous patch. You could see wrong texrures on some races' piercings. Fixed.
  3. 2 points

    Version 2.0.0


    Ember's Discord Registration Bot This is a Python bot that allows users to register a TrinityCore account by direct messaging a bot with specific commands. Users' Discord identifiers are tied to the game account and both the Discord identifier and the TrinityCore username are checked for duplicates. Current Compatibility - TrinityCore 3.3.5 - Azerothcore - CMangos (untested) - Ashamane (untested) ANY core should work, provided they have the following commands AND SOAP in the config - - account set <account> <password> <password> - account set gmlevel <rank> <realms> - account create <account> <password> <password> Requirements - Python3 - Packages: `mysql.connector`, `discord` Installation Instructions Create a Discord Bot 1. Access Discord's Developer Portal and create a `New Application`. 2. Navigate to the `Bot` section of your application settings and click `Add Bot`. - Set the username and profile icon of the bot. - Reset and save your bots `Token`. - No permissions are required, as the bot interacts via direct messages with users. 3. Navigate to `OAuth2` -> `URL Generator`. - In the `Scopes` section: - [x] `bot` - Copy the `Generated URL` and paste it into your browser to invite it to your server. 4. The bot should now be visible (though offline) in the server you invited it to. Run the Bot 1. Edit the bot config file, [registration.cfg](/registration.cfg). - The `[mysql]` settings should match the database settings of the TrinityCore MySQL server. - There are potential issues with setting `host = localhost`. Use `` instead. - A blank password will connect via the unix socket. - The `[discord]` settings should match the following: - `apiKey` is the bot `Token` generated above. - `targetServer` is the [ID of a Discord server](https://www.remote.tools/remote-work/how-to-find-discord-id) the bot is in. - `logsChannel` is the [ID of a Discord channel](https://www.remote.tools/remote-work/how-to-find-discord-id) in the server the bot is in. - `staff` is the [ID of a Discord role](https://www.remote.tools/remote-work/how-to-find-discord-id) required for "givemepowers" - The `[soap]` settings should match the following: - `host` is the SOAP.IP in worldserver.conf - `user` is a user capable of using account create, and set password commands in-game. - `pass` is the password for that user. - `port` is SOAP.Port in worldserver.conf - `soapRBAC` is the RBAC role provided when "givemepowers" is called. 2. Edit the worldserver config file, worldserver.conf - 1. Set SOAP.Enabled = 1 3. Run the bot. - Ensure [Requirements](#requirements) are met. - Run `discord_bot.py` Registering via the Bot 1. Ensure the bot is online. 2. Direct message the bot using the following syntax: - `register <username> <password>` 3. If any errors occur during registration, the bot will let the user know. Changing Password via the Bot 1. Ensure the bot is online. 2. Direct message the bot using the following syntax: - `account set password <newpassword> <newpassword>` 3. If any errors occur, the bot will inform the user. Distributing Staff Powers via the Bot 1. Direct message the bot using the following syntax: - `givemepowers` 2. If any errors occur, the bot will inform the user. To Do - Give a command to authorize GM accounts under the right circumstances - Add OS specific instructions - Provide better instructions to maintain safe user permissions and practices Disclaimer Anyone who uses this on their server is capable of logging passwords. Encourage your users to provide throwaway passwords or unique passwords. This is a potential way to steal credentials, so it's ethical that all users should be aware and instructed to create unique passwords for your server. This bot uses the SOAP API to register accounts. So long as your core can handle the above commands and can support SOAP, this bot will work with it. Contribute If you'd like to contribute, please fork and create a pull request via the GitHub. Your code will be reviewed and then merged with the main branch. Your bot is now running. Congrats! If you have any errors, please post them here. If you'd like, please join Ember, where this content will be actively used and further developed. Thank you for reading, and thank you for your time. OLD INSTRUCTIONS WITH PICTURES AND LINUX SPECIFIC COMMANDS -
  4. 2 points

    Version 11


    There was a report about this supposedly containing malware, though my PC is clean, the pack is clean, and the reporting person's antimalware was behaving in a very odd and jumpy manner overall. Note that this pack contains couple of apps which are pretty much straight up hacks and many apps from "unknown publishers", there's also file downloading launcher and whatnot - it is susceptible material to being marked by antimalware. It should be clean. But it's up to you whether you trust me on that. As a rule of thumb, please, check README.txt file in any directory where such file is before using that part to ensure you know all the important info. Contents: AmarothTools AmarothsLauncherRelease - a fairly primitive launcher based on reading config files and downloading/uploading changelog, patches and addons from FTP. AmarothsToolkit - old version of my toolkit, later I decided to split the project into the following tools. ClientItem - a pair of tools fo syncing item_template <-> Item.dbc. GobGenerator - generates gobjects in gameobject_template out of models provided in GameObjectDisplayInfo.dbc ListfileCreation - do not use unless you know what are you doing. NPCGenerator - for Creature displayID WMV > DBC > DB pipeline. WMOListFile - for obtaining a full list of files used by ADTs, M2/MDX and WMO in the folders under this. Note that its code sucks and is not 100% perfect. CASC CascView - 32 and 64bit versions of CascView, required for obtaining Blizzard files for conversion into WotLK. Listfile - listfiles for extracting files with CascView. DBC LightMapper - can be used for a great visualisation of lights on a map. WoWSpellEditor_1.8.8 - haven't gotten to actually testing this tool yet, but definitely worth sharing. WDBX Editor - for DBC editing, DBC <-> CSV conversions etc. EnGBBlizzlikeDBCs - just blizzlike DBCs, can be useful as a backup. Map AdtAdder - a small tool for mass copy-pasting ADT for inicial filling of a new map/newly expanded map, don't forget to run offsetfix afterwards as well. ADTGrids - some helpers you can use, reflecting basic grids on ADTs. FuTa - a tool for importing and exporting alpha maps (painting textures on ADTs with Photoshop). GroundEffects - tools for applying, removing or changing ground effects on ADT. GruulMeWDT - my preferred way of editing (editing, not creating!) WDT files. NoggitQt_3_2771 - an up to date test version of map editor. NoggitSDL_3_1408 - this is old SDL version of Noggit. It is non-public release, newer than SDL 1.4, fairly stable, may be able to open something Qt cannot. Rius Zone Masher - I do not really remember why I have not ever been using this tool for creation of new maps - I just know I have not been using this tool :D. Sharing it regardless. Models anim porter - I do not even remember what this is for, do not know wthere it is up to date, nor whether it is still useful at all. M2ModRedux 4.6.1 - same like anim porter. MDLVIS 1.40 - same like anim porter. MDX - same like anim porter. MultiConverter_3.3.0 - Officially Legion > WotLK converter, but seems to do alright with BFA as well. Scripts - a mix of random stuff, same like anim porter. OBJtoM2 could be useful if you for any reasons cannot use WoW Blender Studio. Leaving it here for the time being. WoW Blender Studio - still under development, but should make all the other stuff in Models section outdated and redundant. MPQ FuckItUp.exe - removes (listfile) from MPQ, making files more difficult to extract, and thus edit or steal. MPQEditor.exe - v3.2.0.535 is a very old version, but I found it to be very reliable. I had issues with up to date versions, and rather reverted back instead of risking having files corrupted. Other 010 - scripts and templates for 010 Editor. Mordred_LoginScreen - what I have used to make my own custom login screens. PuTTy_0.73 - for managing the server WMT335a - camera hack, light testing. WMV - couple of versions of WoW Model Viewer. HxDsetup.exe - HxD can be used as an alternative hex editor, unlikely to be useful to any 010 Editor owner. xyz-hack.exe - useful for precise gobject spawning. This is a hack, please, do not abuse. Textures BLPConverterGUI - enables mass PNG <-> BLP converting. BLPPhotoshopPlugin_1.0 - Photoshop BLP file support. README.txt - version, release date, links… Wow.exe - removed MD5 check, enabling UI edits within patches etc. Share this with your players, especially if you want to customize anything in your UI, including the login screen. If you are following my english YT channel, this is a toolpack I will be using there. Overview video: My Eng YT channel HERE
  5. 2 points

    Version 0.1.11a


    Ground effects are the little plants and rock that the game display on certain parts of your map. They're referenced in GroundEffectTexture.dbc, you can find a lot if various tutorials on how to edit this DBC. On an ADT, you have 16*16 chunks, each chunk can hold up to 4 texture and on each texture you can link one ground effect id from the GroundEffectTexture.dbc. Very important to understand if you want to use the tool. This program doesn't automatically : place ground effects where you used a specific texture put ground effects everywhere, if you clear a chunk in noggit, you'll need to set ground effects again. On a chunk you can : Set which ground effect goes with which texture Set on an 8 by 8 representation of the chunk, where each ground effect will be used Set on an 8 by 8 representation of the chunk, where no ground effect at all will be displayed Toggle ground effect display on/off on a whole chunk Fill a whole chunk with a ground effect On a full ADT you can : Export the current ground effect settings of all chunks Import ground effect settings from previous export. Even if you repaint in Noggit and a texture doesn't have the same index, it'll match the previous texture and apply the ground effect datas. Command line usage : ./"Sigmur's Ground Effect Editor.exe" [x|i] [target_path] (mge_file_path) [x|i] : export datas from ADT to file or import datas from file to ADT [target_path] : on export and import with no source, this can be a path with wildcard selection (see examples) (mge_file_path) : optional, used only for import. If no mge_file_path is specified, import will look for .mge files with the same name as the adt (see example) examples : ADT folder for our examples : "E:\Wow 3.3.5\world\maps\azeroth" containing "azeroth_30_30.adt" and "azeroth_30_31.adt" - Exporting ground effects datas form every ADTs ./"Sigmur's Ground Effect Editor.exe" x "E:/Wow 3.3.5/world/maps/azeroth/*.adt" - Exporting ground effects datas form specific ADT ./"Sigmur's Ground Effect Editor.exe" x "E:/Wow 3.3.5/world/maps/azeroth/azeroth_30_30.adt" - Importing ground effect datas to every ADTs, will look for same file name with extention .mge instead of .adt ./"Sigmur's Ground Effect Editor.exe" i "E:/Wow 3.3.5/world/maps/azeroth/*.adt" - Importing ground effect datas to specific ADT ./"Sigmur's Ground Effect Editor.exe" i "E:/Wow 3.3.5/world/maps/azeroth/azeroth_30_30.adt" - Importing specific ground effect datas to specific ADT ./"Sigmur's Ground Effect Editor.exe" i "E:/Wow 3.3.5/world/maps/azeroth/azeroth_30_30.adt" "E:/Wow 3.3.5/world/maps/azeroth/azeroth_30_30_specific_file.mge" !important : this progam uses QT5 to parse paths, this means you can use forward and backward slashes in them, even on windows. You can even mix backward and forward slashes ("E:/Wow 3.3.5\world\maps/azeroth\azeroth_30_30.adt" is a valid path) Technical datas : Ground effect datas are stored in MCNK header as a uint2[8][8] layer map (128 bits) and an uint1[8][8] (64 bits) toggle map. The data starts right after the holes datas, offset 64 from the MCNK header, 72 from the MCNK magic word beginning. The first 128 bits (4 uint32) are the layer map. It's composed of an 8 x 8 representation of the chunk, each point is a number between 0 and 3. These numbers are indices to MCLY datas, this define what ground effect id (contained in the targeted MCLY) will be displayed at the target subchunk X/Y. The next 64 bits (2 uint32), often miscalled predTex & noEffectDoodad, are used for a no effect bitmap. It's another 8 x 8 representation of the chunk that contains where no effects will be shown. Since the effect map can only have numbers between 0 and 3, they needed another map to tell where not to put stuff on. Each point is a single bit that tells the game if you want to hide ground effect on X/Y or not. Code used to access/save datas : (made in QT5, so quint16 = uint16_t) quint16* effect_layer_map[8]; //8*8 map of uint2 - uint16 = 16 bits, we'll use 2 bits per point, 1 uint16 = 8 points quint8* effect_toggle_map[8]; //8*8 map of uint1 - uint8 = 8 bits, 1 bit per point, ez quint8 layer_map_edit[8][8]; //8*8 map of uint8 - easier to use bool toggle_map_edit[8][8]; //8*8 map of bool - wich subchunk is toggle or not easier to use char* pos = raw_mcnk_datas_starting_after_magic_and_size; //I store a copy of the raw MCNK data in the structure that loads it and edit it directly pos += 64; //Skip everything until effect layer map //Put every pointers at the right position for (int i = 0; i < 8; i++) effect_layer_map[i] = (quint16*)(pos + (i * 2)); pos += 16; //go to toggle map begin, toggle map equiv to 2 uint32 for (int i = 0; i < 8; i++) effect_toggle_map[i] = (quint8*)(pos + i); //Parse layer & toggle maps for (int mx = 0; mx < 8; mx++) { quint16 tmp = *effect_layer_map[mx]; for (int my = 0; my < 8; my++) { layer_map_edit[mx][my] = (tmp & 1) + (tmp & 2); tmp = tmp >> 2; toggle_map_edit[mx][my] = (*effect_toggle_map[mx] & (1 << my)); } } // Here you can edit your maps using the _edit versions //Save the stuff back to the adt for (int mx = 0; mx < 8; mx++) { //Rewrite ground effect maps quint16 layer_map_row = 0; quint8 toggle_map_row = 0; for (int my = 7; my >= 0; my--) { //Going in reverse this time, or your world will be ass backward if (toggle_map_edit[mx][my]) toggle_map_row += 1; layer_map_row += layer_map_edit[mx][my]; if (my > 0) { layer_map_row = layer_map_row << 2; toggle_map_row = toggle_map_row << 1; } } //Put the rewritten line in the corresponding map *(effect_layer_map[mx]) = layer_map_row; *(effect_toggle_map[mx]) = toggle_map_row; }
  6. 2 points



    A powerful tool for editing DBC and CSV files and convert between the two formats. Supports all DBC-using expansions (Vanilla to Mists of Pandaria). Made by Smartwork.
  7. 1 point

    Version 1.0.0


    All known Phillip TNGs tools that he used.
  8. 1 point



    Here I will be uploading the various versions of .build.info files, which are needed for the WoW client to download itself, and also for CASCHost.
  9. 1 point



    hello, today with the consent of both parties i would like to share tool that i bought from Skarn SL to WMO converter since there is no working tool there You go but dont be so forward dont spam model changing net with wmo to sl pack's since it request still work into wbs etc only open wmos are gtg the BETTER tool is in development and EIntemporeldoing hard work and soon he will share his to modding that that will be big lvl up to everyone of us
  10. 1 point

    Version 2.0


    All the patches will be done as non-encrypted soon! This file contains HD characters and NPC models and textures for WotLK. The archive contains 4 patches: patch-w.mpq contains: NPC models Animations BakedNPCTextures patch-x.mpq contains: Character models Animations patch-enUS-w.mpq and patch-enUS-x.mpq contain: DBCs If you have questions/requests feel free to ask it in the comments or by PM, I will answer it as soon as possible. P.S. The previous versions of files by @Roarl were deleted, because of the wrong and non-existed links. All thanks should be given to him.
  11. 1 point

    Version 1.1.0


    Dear Modders, I've learned alot mainly thanks to this community, and since I was experimenting with the shadowlands creatures and mounts to retro port them to Wotlk, and we'll it's going pretty good at the moment. So why not share it, i'll post updates from time to time since i'm pretty busy with wow modding at the moment. REMEMBER TO LIKE & SUBSCRIBE (might be wrong platform) Release related to : NOTE: The patch contains the models & dbc files. The dbc files are far from accurate and were just placed to make the models show up. Question: Some models like the hands work perfectly in Wow model viewer, however morphing to that display id results in a crash. any idea's?
  12. 1 point

    Version 3.3.5a


    Hello, uploaded modcraft files [ATBOX][RELEASE] 4.0.0 ~ 5.4.0 Maps-WMOs-Doodads Content for 3.3.5a -9GBytes by PhilipTNG original thread and all details here - http://www.modcraft.io/index.php?topic=7136.0 Would be cool if people updated his Azeroth maps and fixed remaining bugs like; - fatigue bar on players in new zones - updated stormwind, maybe some other places that look better after cata - improve water in noggit(and remember if u open it in noggit disable water effects) - * nothing else comes to mind atm, but if anyone thinks of something leave a reply and i'll update http://www.mediafire.com/file/871fos5t5refrcp/patch-4.MPQ http://www.mediafire.com/file/9usitetbbj4ef6u/patch-5.MPQ http://www.mediafire.com/file/zfqcksn472ypqbc/patch-6.MPQ http://www.mediafire.com/file/nby7ht2v288agqb/patch-7.MPQ
  13. 1 point

    Version 1.5


    All Classic, TBC and WotLK clothing textures upscaled to x4, downscaled by 50% and then converted to BLP. vanilla and TBC textures really get a nice boost from this. Thx to the model-changing discord for pointing me in the right direction with things here. TODO: Correct distortions, AI upscale errors on effected textures. Upscale/denoise items such as: Shoulders/Head/Cape/Shield/Weapons etc. etc. EDIT: Thanks to those of you who have pointed out some distortion or oddities in some of the textures. I didn't catch these and will improve them for the net release.
  14. 1 point

    Version 3.3.5a


    This patch displays the full set of T10 armor when creating a character. Each class is for each race. The file should be placed in the folder with the game in the following path - Wow/Data/enGB For 3.3.5a
  15. 1 point

    Version 1.0.0


    Just a really simple Zelda fairy for your game, intended to be used as a non-combat pet for your travels! Just the base files, but I've also included a Wisp replacer (for both normal wisps as well as a red version for the Midsummer pet) for those who don't know how to change their game models the proper way. The model may be quite big in-game - if it is, you can easily go into the CreatureModelData.dbc with a DBC Editor of your choice (I prefer MyDBCEditor), find the 'Wisp' entry (Creature\Wisp\Wisp.mdx) and go to Column 5 for model scale - there should be a '1' there, indicating the model is at it's full scale. I recommend changing the model from a '1' to a '0.25' to get a more authentic Zelda size, but you can fiddle around with it. After, add it into the game via a MPQ editor, and put it in (or create) a folder called DBFilesClient in any of your patches. Make sure it's not overwritten by any other CreatureModelData.dbcs in a patch with a higher priority than the one you're using (e.g, Patch-Z has the highest priority, Patch-Y has the second highest and so on).
  16. 1 point

    Version 1.0.0


    downported from the TBC classic
  17. 1 point

    Version r001


    WoW Patcher This treat is for people who like to make custom items for 3.3.5. So I stumbled upon this reddit thread Reddit - [2.4.3] Patched Executable - Override item.dbc (Question Mark Icon fix) and figured if this was possible for 3.3.5 too. Well, 3.3.5 is quite different and it wasn't as simple as that, but after some tinkering I could made it work. When you patch your wow.exe with this, you don't need to make MPQ patches or edit the item.dbc at all. Just add the custom items you want to the "item_template" table in your SQL database and you're good to go. There are eight fields in Item.dbc: itemID, ItemClass, ItemSubClass, sound_override_subclassid, MaterialID, ItemDisplayInfo, InventorySlotID , SheathID And they all should work with the exception of Material. AFAIK it only affects which sound an item makes when moving it around in your inventory. So currently custom items won't have that sound. If anyone has expertise in reverse-engineering and can help me find the correct spot(s) for it, please PM me. I did some preliminary testing and everything has worked so far. But it still needs some more testing and I think it's 90-95% done. That's why I named it "Custom Item Fix (BETA) v1". I've tested this to work with the latest TrinityCore, but any core which supports custom items should work. If using TrinityCore make sure to set "DBC.EnforceItemAttributes = 0" in your worldserver.conf. If you find any bugs, post them and I will try hunting them down. TL;DR: Item.dbc patching is history Currently supported versions (r001): enUS Patcher supports Windows XP and newer. Currently it does not check whether you are on a 32-bit (x86) or a 64-bit (x64) system (forgot to do it, will include in r002) so if you are running a very old 32-bit system, do not use the "4GB RAM" patch. On the other hand, everyone on "new" (not from 20 years ago) systems should use "4GB RAM" patch. Patcher expects a clean and unmodified WoW.exe for it to work. This safeguard is in place so it can make sure the patch is applied correctly, as with binary patches it is absolutely necessary to have every byte in the right place to not have undefined behaviour or crashes. If you run into "invalid or corrupt wow.exe" error, it means your exe is modified and you need to use a clean wow.exe. You can find checksums for the unmodified wow binaries here: https://github.com/anzz1/wow-client-checksums The patcher was made mainly for this Custom Item Fix, but I decided to add some other popular patches for a clean all-in-one solution. "4GB RAM" - sets the "Large Address Aware" /LAA flag to allow a 32-bit WoW.exe to use 4GB of RAM instead of 2GB in 64-bit machines (More Info) "Allow Interface Edits" - allows editing interface files like the login screen "Cast Bar Fix" - shows cast bars on default nameplates "Disable Cache" - disables saving WDB cache Thanks: @BenjaminLSR and @rajkosto at the Rochenoire team for the original TBC version of the patch and with it pointing me to the right direction on where to start. Original creators of the "Allow Interface Edits" and "Cast Bar Fix" patches, whoever they are. Github Issue tracker: https://github.com/anzz1/WoWPatcher335/issues
  18. 1 point

    Version 0.5


    Code source is here: https://github.com/kelno/AdtTools AdtTool project aims to provide a framework to easily creating tools manipulating Adt's. Currently only a few tools are created as examples. AllWater allows to create Ocean water as well. The tools should work with TLK but were not tested.
  19. 1 point

    Version 1.3.3


    Greetings This basic tool is for basic editing of worldmap It can load Jpgs/blps/pngs and saves all files as pngs so you will have to convert them on your own to BLP afterwards Its function is that you give it path to WORLDMAP folder of wow that needs to be extracted from MPQ and it will then cycle thru directories searching for actual worldmaps then it will list them so you can select which one you want to edit - once selected you can export map into a single image which is easy for editing in any image editor after that you can load this single image back to program and split it back into 12 images that blizzard uses Have a fun video showcase *Do you also hate when you start recording say: "Greetings" but in recorded video file it started recording just second after you said "Greetings"*
  20. 1 point

    Version 1.2.0


    As the title says, I am uploading a fixed version of Amaroth's original tool (WMOListfile.exe) that was fixed by Squire Tester. Any normal user of this program will know that it wasn't perfect, and in most scenarios every listfile generated needed a little "helping hand". Things like certain characters in the generated strings (spaces, underscores, dashes, etc) would cause certain texture or model paths to break, leaving you to fix them manually (quite a laborious task when porting in bulk). This version should have all the known issues fixed. The only difference between the original and the fixed version is that the latter has further dependencies needed to run it. The tool now also deletes the tmp.txt that is generated, so the .bat included with the tool has also been adjusted accordingly. A massive thanks to both Amaroth for the original tool, and Tester for fixing the really annoying day to day problems it had. Note: Tester asked me to release this, as after fixing the tool - he was too lazy/bored to write a post about it. Pogchamp Take care, and happy retroporting. Soldan
  21. 1 point

    Version 1.0.0


    This is a recreation of the 2001 Alpha wow Barn seen in early trailers. It is an m2 and based on the Duskwood barn which is the same building. (The church in the screenshot is not included here) The barn is fully functional but like its Duskwood counterpart it lacks collision. Furthermore, the barn needs to be added to the gameobjectdisplayinfo to be spawnable. If used in noggit it works without any modification. The barn is for 3.3.5.
  22. 1 point

    Version 1.0.0


    A little tool to quickly convert to bitmask and back, e.g. for editing RaceMask and ClassMask fields in DBCs. Usage example - getting RaceMask for races Human (1), Gnome (7), and Void Elf (29): Written in Python and compiled with PyInstaller.
  23. 1 point

    Version 1.0.1


    Hey guys, super basic retexture release. Wanted a cleaned version for my map, made one, maybe someone else wants it. No doodads, still has broken walls, still has doors not sure how to add more interiors, still has weird collision blocking off top of spire and the raised platform for statues or what have you. Huge thanks to @Skarn for the Blender Studio.
  24. 1 point

    Version 1.0.0


    Easy BLPConverter share the similar idea of But instead the Easy BLPConverter call directly the BLPConverter.exe program with argument which is faster. argument are parsed from given directory and sub-directory (it exclude cape because they appear green if you convert them. *optional). Rename BLP : Will rename all _.blp into .blp Print Listfile : Will print a suitable (casc) Listfile of given directory. How to use : BlpConverter Path : if you're not using given BLPConverter.exe please include his path and the .exe program Blp Folder Path : Go into your folder and copy link > Paste it in the textbox Press Convert Blp's Button wait to finish, then Run Rename BLP and you're done. hopefully this will save you some extra time enjoy.
  25. 1 point

    Version 1.0.0


    I found it in my old computer, I don't really know what it contains but I'm sure it was made by SirFranc AND Stromgarde is in it, I'm 100% sure. This patch is useless for me and I know Sirfranc allowed this share, so I give it to you, maybe you'll find some interesting things