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Showing content with the highest reputation since 09/08/2015 in File Comments

  1. 3 points
    If it's green it means you have some missing textures.
  2. 3 points
    You have some missing some textures, mines works just fine : Have you taken only this model or some others too ? Edit : I see on the chat that you have other artifacts, maybe I've got the textures elsewhere or you don't take all the required ones for this model.
  3. 3 points
    It's strange, I just test some of your models and it worked fine, same for a large amount of models, they were all converted. I've reuploaded the program just in case try downloading it again.
  4. 3 points
    Open it with 010 Editor with the template, the value is here in the header : https://wowdev.wiki/M2/WotLK#Header Did you do anything before trying to convert your models or are they new ?
  5. 2 points
    I think I've found how to remove the particles that cause a crash (I don't remove them from the file but decrement the particle count because they are at the end of the particles) but I've found out that some artifacts are not rendered as well as before so I'll search for the cause and update the tool.
  6. 2 points
    I've found the problem : particles where added to some m2s that the wmo uses, which cause the crash. The thing is I've yet to figure out how to identify those particles (if there is a way to...).
  7. 2 points
    Could you give the name of the wmo that you think are crashing ? (the smaller the better)
  8. 2 points
    I tried that wmo and didn't get any crash, and I'm using a few other wmo from the garnison and I've got no problem at all so I don't know what's wrong here sorry.
  9. 2 points
    How many files / folder do you have ? I've already converted a lot models at once and never had this error.
  10. 2 points
    No, for now I just have a private repository. I might release le sources later when I'll be more satisfied about the tool but for now I prefer to keep them for myself.
  11. 2 points
    Erf, I thought I add posted this but it seems like I forgot to submit it *facepalm* : Can you post a screen with the model working and another with the bug to compare ? (and please just put the link, see the main post for the reason ^^) And I'm glad you like the tool
  12. 2 points
    Is that the problem you have ? If so I have no idea and if I use philip's converter the model is buggy Edit : it looks like the problem is there with the other converter too... maybe the model isn't finished (keep in mind legion is still in alpha ^^)
  13. 2 points
    It's not weird, LK does not support multitexture particles so some are lost in the conversion.
  14. 2 points
    I've found what was wrong with the nightborn male, but some textures are using fading so it can't be perfect, as for the spell that has a wrong color I have no idea, maybe it's a fail from blizzard... but I don't think it comes from the model itself. I just tried it and yeah... it's a bit greenish but it look more yellow to me ^^ You may have noticed a difference with your it's because I've found a way to fix some particles but I've yet to found exactly when to apply the fix For the vrykul can you tell me the name of the model so that I can test it ?
  15. 2 points
    Hahaha how disordoned I am...All this time I was missing blps hahaha ,thx for waking me up!
  16. 2 points
    I could list the blp required in the model converted in file if you want. But bear in mind that the "skin blp" would not be listed but they're in the same folder as the model so it's not too inconvenient.
  17. 2 points
    Honestly when something looks bad in wmv just check IG, a lot of models aren't rendered correctly in wmv. Here is what it looks like IG :
  18. 2 points
    Could you post a screenshot to show what's wrong ? I tried this model and it looked good so I don't know what it's supposed to look like I know there is a particle problem on some models, I'm looking into that right now. I've found something to make them look better but it's far from the originals (I'm using the runesaber as a test model).
  19. 2 points
    Ok I've found the problem, you have some model with the extension in upper case and I wasn't handling this case correctly, I'll update the converter soon to fix this. I never had this problem because all my models are in lower case ^^'
  20. 2 points
    I tried goblin_beanbag_0x.m2 earlier and didn't have any problem, I can add a log file if you want but tomorrow, I've got other things to do now sorry.
  21. 2 points
    Nope I just forgot something >< (but your models should be converted) Edit : ModelConverter.exe
  22. 2 points
    I don't think it comes from the client. I just tried with the last build, almost all my models worked fine, only a few shields might require some dbc edit to change the textures skin because I used an older dbc. Here is my listfile : http://pastebin.com/DZDkCbQ1 (Some shield blps were in the weapon folder, I didn't check if it was still the case) Noones : ModelConverter.exe Try this version, if it still does not work I have no idea what's happening, maybe files permissions ?
  23. 2 points
    Extracted them via CASC, nothing changed. Most of the Models work now with your Converter, awesome, Thanks! But im getting a few Problems here and there: Cant load some M2s from Cata via the Modelviewer: 17:28:39: Loading model: World\Generic\goblin\passivedoodads\beanbags\goblin_beanbag_03.m2 17:28:39: Error: Invalid model nameOfs=272/304! May be corrupted. 17:29:22: Loading model: World\Generic\goblin\passivedoodads\ceilingfan\goblin_horde_ceilingfan_01.m2 17:29:22: Error: Invalid model nameOfs=272/304! May be corrupted. 17:30:34: Loading model: World\Generic\goblin\passivedoodads\crazymachines\goblin_batterymachine.m2 17:30:34: Error: Invalid model nameOfs=272/304! May be corrupted. 17:30:37: Loading model: World\Generic\goblin\passivedoodads\food\goblin_bucketofood_01.m2 17:30:37: Error: Invalid model nameOfs=272/304! May be corrupted. Edit: They got the Version 272, the "Date Changed" does not change when im using your converter on them
  24. 2 points
    Yes it's intended for Items/Creatures and Objects (I haven't tested the v1.1x with objects but it should works fine, tell me if you've got something wrong). Also I forgot to write this in the changelog but I know check if the version of the m2 is 264 or below (which means the m2 is supposed to work in LK) and if it's the case I don't convert the model. This way you can add unconverted models in a folder with already converted model and convert them without risking to corrupt the LK models in the folder. Your problem may be that you're using already partially converted model that have 264 as Version.
  25. 2 points
    I don't know. Maybe in the future at some point.