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  1. 1 point
    The first and easiest things to do is make edits to your core. Go to your solution and open up SharedDefines.h in the Shared folder. Change the definition for Max Talent Trees from 3 to your number of desired tabs, in this case it is 4. Now go to DBCEnums.h and find this, and do the same, increase it to the number of tabs you want. Here we enter 4. Further down in SharedDefines.h find trees and add your specs tab id, this is our fourth one so we punch it in as 3 because it starts at 0. In this tutorial we are also gonna add the skill for the talent tree, make sure to add it to the enum here Now I go over here and enter my skillline in skillline.dbc Now we open up TalentTab.dbc to punch in our custom talent tab, Im gonna call it Primal for shamans. Classmask is in column 21, SpellIcon id is in 19, and the directory to the backround for the talent pane is in column 24. Now we go and add talents to our new talent tab id. Now its time to get to the UI work. Navigate over to Blizzard_TalentUI.lua and xml in the Addons and Blizzard_TalentUI directory. Change the glyph tab to be the tab number +1 to your custom tabs, we have 4 so glyphs are tab 5. Next we need to actually add the tab so edit the .xml file to copy PlayerTalentFrameTab3 and name it PlayerTalentFrameTab4, then anchor it to 3. Then edit the glyph tab to anchor to tab 4 and change its ID to tab 5. Now go to Interface, FrameXML, and edit TalentFrameBase.lua to change the max_talent_tab variable from 3 to 4. and now finally, in Interface\TalentFrame you add in your image of your talent pane. I extracted existing ones for warriors and cut it the same way and named the extensions to the ones in TalentTab.dbc followed by -Part. so ShamanStonewarden-BottomLeft is the bottom left section of the image. So finally, once your server is recompiled, your client edited and you remembered to put the dbc files not just in your patch but in the server directory, restart it and VIOLA!