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  1. 1 point
    (This is for Azerothcore) I think you can start with https://www.azerothcore.org/wiki/dbc-areatrigger and https://www.azerothcore.org/wiki/areatrigger_teleport then see how an area teleport is made: For example, You have to open your game database. id 45 in aretrigger database is the teleport to the scarlet monastery (graveyard) instance. It has a map id for the map it is located in (0 = Azeroth / Eastern Kingdoms) then a position for the center of the area trigger and its radius. The rest are 0, but are used for a box trigger and not a spheric trigger. If you then go to id 45 of areatrigger_teleport to add the target map and the position + orientation of the teleport destination. After you made your areatrigger, then attached a teleport to it, you just have to place your doodad around the area. But the doodad itself will not have any teleportation property. I hope this helps.
  2. 1 point
    Great guide, haven't done much blender work myself but this guide is very nice :).
  3. 1 point
    I struggled for two days trying to install this plugin myself, but you had already pointed me in the right direction here. You are my guiding light.ty very much!
  4. 1 point
    Hi. There's a DBC file which makes sure the game has a minimap associated with a game (world/continent) map, and which also makes sure that the game shows the player position-indicating cursor on the right spot. I explained the way this works on WotLK hopefully in big enough detail here: Now, you still might have to face issues with exploration. Unfortunately, I never toyed with that, but I hope this should at least give you some entry to the following steps required. Best of luck!