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  1. 1 point

    Version 1.5


    All Classic, TBC and WotLK clothing textures upscaled to x4, downscaled by 50% and then converted to BLP. vanilla and TBC textures really get a nice boost from this. Thx to the model-changing discord for pointing me in the right direction with things here. TODO: Correct distortions, AI upscale errors on effected textures. Upscale/denoise items such as: Shoulders/Head/Cape/Shield/Weapons etc. etc. EDIT: Thanks to those of you who have pointed out some distortion or oddities in some of the textures. I didn't catch these and will improve them for the net release.
  2. 1 point

    Version 3.3.5a


    This patch displays the full set of T10 armor when creating a character. Each class is for each race. The file should be placed in the folder with the game in the following path - Wow/Data/enGB For 3.3.5a
  3. 1 point

    Version 0.5


    Code source is here: https://github.com/kelno/AdtTools AdtTool project aims to provide a framework to easily creating tools manipulating Adt's. Currently only a few tools are created as examples. AllWater allows to create Ocean water as well. The tools should work with TLK but were not tested.
  4. 1 point

    Version 1.2.0


    As the title says, I am uploading a fixed version of Amaroth's original tool (WMOListfile.exe) that was fixed by Squire Tester. Any normal user of this program will know that it wasn't perfect, and in most scenarios every listfile generated needed a little "helping hand". Things like certain characters in the generated strings (spaces, underscores, dashes, etc) would cause certain texture or model paths to break, leaving you to fix them manually (quite a laborious task when porting in bulk). This version should have all the known issues fixed. The only difference between the original and the fixed version is that the latter has further dependencies needed to run it. The tool now also deletes the tmp.txt that is generated, so the .bat included with the tool has also been adjusted accordingly. A massive thanks to both Amaroth for the original tool, and Tester for fixing the really annoying day to day problems it had. Note: Tester asked me to release this, as after fixing the tool - he was too lazy/bored to write a post about it. Pogchamp Take care, and happy retroporting. Soldan
  5. 1 point

    Version 1.0.0


    Easy BLPConverter share the similar idea of But instead the Easy BLPConverter call directly the BLPConverter.exe program with argument which is faster. argument are parsed from given directory and sub-directory (it exclude cape because they appear green if you convert them. *optional). Rename BLP : Will rename all _.blp into .blp Print Listfile : Will print a suitable (casc) Listfile of given directory. How to use : BlpConverter Path : if you're not using given BLPConverter.exe please include his path and the .exe program Blp Folder Path : Go into your folder and copy link > Paste it in the textbox Press Convert Blp's Button wait to finish, then Run Rename BLP and you're done. hopefully this will save you some extra time enjoy.
  6. 1 point
    Excellent ! Thanks to that i could transform Legion Warlock Pets BLP files into TBC Warlock Pet Files. Great Job !
  7. 1 point
    The addon allows you to import any M2 or WMO without conversion: either an extracted one from somewhere on your computer or directly from WoW Model Viewer. In both cases, the addon will do its best to find the required textures, doodads, etc. and import them automatically, unless you tell it otherwise.