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Status Updates posted by Bardh

  1. Does anyone have any BfA models converted to WOTLK? I happen to need the for a project of mine, especially the Kul'Tiras ones.

  2. Does anyone have light adder? The link in modcraft for the windows version of Light adder is not working

    1. Amaroth


      Should be in my toolpack.

    2. Bardh


      Thanks very much! You're a lifesaver, I'm also going to see if I can find any other tools in use!

  3. So, what do I need to do for my project to be on the banner or in the slideshow of mcnet?I'm talking about the project Haradon, soon I plan to release some new parts of the map, I'm working on the project continuously.If any have suggestions or critics for my work please tell me. Thanks

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Bardh


      I think I'll wait a bit when finish some zones and have enough material, I'll notify you then, the reason I made this status was knowing if I have the requirements to have a banner of my own. Thanks

    3. Elrena


      Feel free to make your own banner when you do. We can send you the template.

      I don't make them anymore... so yeah

    4. Bardh


      Thanks Elrena haven't heard from you for a while, so it's you who usually makes the banners? I have a bit experience in Photoshop so I guess I'll try to make it myself. But I'll do it after I release another one of the zones. Thanks

  4. Please check my new map!


  5. Still the old bug, spent like 1 hour working on Noggit then BAM!, it   instantly closes and all my work is lost.I appreciate the work you're doing but this seems to be the most disturbing bug for me.

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. Bardh


      Well maybe if we could choose whether to auto-save or not. Well I don't know how much work would you need about that and maybe it could be impossible, that's why I don't usually like to complain and request features for noggit, cuz it's free, but I'll pay a visit to Noggit issue tracker, I also had other things in mind that could improve Noggit, which I think most of the people would want and maybe even mentioned them.

      And I usually do save my Noggit more often it's not a big deal, but I forgot that this time.

    3. Skarn


      If you open your map second time in a session, it will crash in a certain amount of time due to heap corruption. Fixing that would be a problem as heap is rather bitchy when it comes to finding a bug.

    4. Skarn


      Debug does not really show you the place where this problems occurs as it can happen far away from the error in the code.

  6. It's a big game you know and things like glitches, often happen, considering that while making my maps I try to place objects and textures carefully it seems it isn't that necessary to look good in overall, below are some pictures I did in retail showing a few glitches in doodads, I did this while exploring, didn't have  any other intention.










    1. Vellear
    2. Skarn


      Go to Stormwind. Cathedral quarter. Have a look at the orphanage house, you will be very surprised.

    3. Axel


      fly into the buildings next to the cathedral square, cata+ and you will get under sw