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Posts posted by quizley

  1. Hey all, I’ve been looking around for a way to add collision to custom m2s in 8.3.0.  So far as I can tell, there’s no resource out there that can do this already for versions above Cata. 

    I’d be interested in paying for a script that can either generate collision for 8.3 m2s, or a means to port 3.3.5 m2s created via obj-to-m2 up to 8.3, whichever is easiest to achieve. 

    If you’re interested, let me know here or add me on discord - Quizley#3219 - and let me know what you think a fair price would be for the work.


  2. Hey all,

    Been looking around for some guidance on how to up-port custom m2s created through the objtom2 script to a newer version of the game. From what I can tell, the MD21 header and SFID chunk are the only changes needed to port a WoD model up to Legion, but I haven't been able to figure out how to get a wrath model up to WoD.  

    Has anyone successfully done the full up-conversion before or are there any existing scripts/resources out there for it? I might be looking in the completely wrong place, but my aim is to create basic unanimated m2s with collision and the 3.3.5 objtom2 script seems like the only way to go about it.

    Many thanks for any help.