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File Comments posted by sh1tdev

  1. 1 hour ago, Hairesis said:

    No pls, don't add models to a spell visual effects patch. Also imho, as a 3.3.5 warlock, all green fel-themed spells in 3.3.5 are kinda boring, I already had a patch like that and I deleted it after 10 minutes. Anyways It would be very cool a patch with all visual (no custom) retroported spells for all classes! thx :3

    the green themed stuff i kinda like tbh, i'd use that.

  2. 1 hour ago, Hahaha said:

    So, this is just a theory, but I feel like the armor textures can't go over 512 because they're basically just pasted over the original body textures, which (correct me if I'm wrong) the HD body versions (such as HumanFemale..._HD) are also in 512. Maybe they have a correlation here, and perhaps having the body textures in 1024 would allow for a similar size for the textures?

    Yeah, that's what I am thinking as some textures are at 1024 and those tend to be the Vykrul textures. The downside here is that each texture would then be about 1mb each ;) not sure how the game engine will go with that haha.

  3. 8 hours ago, Yuritsuki said:

    Sorry guys. I’ll be busy for a week or less. Keep waiting, I’ll make an update.

    One learning system we did at my job reached50k visitors AT THE SAME TIME and died. We are scaling our servers and testing madly fast xD

    rough dude, gl! no rush on the patch anyways. My helms, shoulders and clothing textures are done btw - although I think there are probably some errors hidden in there that I haven't found yet.

  4. 19 minutes ago, Shado Eterminus said:

    What methods are you using to upscale/downscale your images? I've been trying Topaz GigaPixel AI and no luck

    With this pack I used Topaz Gigapixel AI actually.

    First I converted the BLPs to PNGs. Then I ran everything through Gigapixel AI at x4. WoW can't handle textures that big from what I can tell  so I then went and made a batch script that decreased all their sizes by 50% in Photoshop. I tried other programs but they would cause corruption or strange colors. Now I will still have a file that's larger than original but most of them will work. Any that are still too big I would resize them until they were below or around 512 x ____ or whatever it ended up - as long as I was never above 512.

    Then with these new resizes I went and converted them all back to BLPs. Here is where I am stuck though atm. Some BLPConverters will have better success than others or make issues with different files. I am currently converting my Upscales using BLPConverter8 and BLP Lab. I will probably add ANOTHER converter to the mix as well. Then I will pick and choose the working/decent looking files. I've tried a lot of things to get these converters to work nicely... but it's just a damn pain.

    The sad part is due to the size limitation I don't think the quality will be that much better... but I still want to do it regardless.

    HOWEVER. With the shoulders and helms they can go up to 1024. So the upscaling of those look fantastic for the most part. I could be wrong on my assumption though. I'd be stoked if someone could confirm whether or not clothing texture size can go above 512 x ____.

    • Like 1

  5. 5 minutes ago, Yuritsuki said:

    Don't know if it can help. But before you I already saw one dude made stuff like that (except it's erotic edits of the items ?). But in his case it was much easier, as he did this to retail wow.

    Haha, oh my...... sadly the megafile link is dead

  6. 5 minutes ago, Yuritsuki said:

    Sorry. Team leading development even in model-editing forum. ?

    Haha, I'm fine with being given tasks. Normally I make them so its a breath of fresh air in a way lol.

    In regards to the old up with the textures. I've been toying with getting the clothing textures above 512 x 256 dimensions. Currently the game will crash if I bring in 1024 x 512. Must be a limitation but I'm seeing what I can get away with. Also, for some reason certain PNG to BLP converters will make some files colors blow out. Some won't so it's a bit of a crap shoot getting it to do it properly. I'm in a situation where I am just gonna run all the textures out through various converters and then pick which textures to use and which to discard. :(

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  7. 1 hour ago, Yuritsuki said:



    just examples of bugged torsos I found in 2-3 mins looking at patch. Great job, anyway. But isnt playable with such artifats.

    Yeah, there are about 20,000 files in there for me to check so I'm not surprised some issues snuck through undetected. The good news is that I've found a way to correct that but it will require me upscaling everything again from scratch. *sigh*

    Thanks for pointing out some files for me to look at though too!
