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Posts posted by Jivani19

  1. Understand that if I left it like that it was to apply the next update to it, it is more practical and when this one would be complete I would have secured it, thank you for the info that you transmitted concerning the place of its publication on the Asian forum.
    Now you know all this is a work done since early 2021, you can see my journey and my shares via Emucoach, if I have not published here is that mostly it work on Lich King 3.3.5.

  2. The interface is not the problem because I adapted it to try to give a novelty to cataclysm, the worry is the models and the graphic retouches that I worked one by one for each model HD as a model of player or pnj, you do not have the right to make it anonymous especially as this work is mine. It's all very well to make fun but don't use another person's work to complete your own because you didn't have any HD models for the pnjs, instead of laughing at least try to find out where the source comes from, because on this forum it's basically dedicated to LK 3.3.5.
    That's why I didn't post anything belonging to Cataclysm on this forum but I did it on Emucoach.