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Posts posted by gongel

  1. Hi  Balkron I use this textures (legion ) in my another mod and everything's work . Could you help me fix this because I'm trying for a few days and I can't do this. Still green textures. I'm new in creating wow mods. Almost everything l don't understand. Sorry for my English. Regards.


  2. Hello could someone retro port for me playable character models  Troll Zanadalari, Dark Iron Dwarf and Vulpera (male and female). I'm trying port this character but every time when I select modded character game crash. Regards.

    Sorry for poor English. English isn't my native language.

  3. Hello how could I fix worgen aplha female for wow 3.3.5. Not perfect work with Leeviathan's WOD character, oryginal model character. How could I delete npc character model worgen (she look weird).

    Could some one help me fix code to make full work character creation like MOP and new's World of Warcraft? Doesn't work gender change for female orc and is invisible icon death knight class. At this moment i know how change pozition between class.  This is all what I know about that. I'm new with modding/create stuff World of Warcraft.

    Sorry for poor English. English isn't my native language.




