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Status Replies posted by Poisonleaf

  1. Hell! My modding hard disc fucked up D:


    1. Poisonleaf


      Damn man, did you lose alot of stuff?
      I hope you got some backups mate.

    2. (See 6 other replies to this status update)

  2. Summer has come to it's end, Finally have some time on my hands to put into my map. Is it ready for objects and zones?

    1. Poisonleaf


      Offcourse, it's a continent where basicly my whole project will take place on.

    2. (See 2 other replies to this status update)

  3. Just ordered Legion, take my money Blizzard, I'm so weaaaaak :'(

  4. most likely in the near future, I will no more publish screenshots. Mc-net is a forum "from modders and for modders". Any publish content from Otherlands - harms to my project. It's kind of a spoiler. And there is always the risk of mass distribution "what is this, where i can play?" - i do not need these questions. why, then, did I? Well... as I already said, "for modders". WoW modding shrinks like an old tree that stopped watering. i thought my screenshots be at least a drop of water... so it was. But it does not contribute to growth of any modding.
    Some of the custom wowdev projects - never publish their work. and it's the right decision, which will follow soon, and i'm including.
    However, i'm still here on the MC-net, in this respect nothing will change. I will always be happy to help information or advice. Thanks for reading.

    1. Poisonleaf


      I know the feeling mate, There always a risk to exposing your work.
      I do also keep things to myself but don't forget there is a line between to much exposure and generating feedback and inspiration between a modding community. I always loved watching your progress and it worked as an inspirational boost for me. Pretty sure it did the same for alot of people.

    2. (See 1 other reply to this status update)

  5. Too unskilled for my concept. Too determined & stubborn to let it go. Dilemma, dilemma

    1. Poisonleaf


      Thanks, that's my plan at this moment, just take it as it goes one step at a time and just figure it out. but sometimes I don't know the next step or if the steps I want to take are the correct onces.

      For now the steps are the following.

      Draw basic map sketch (Getting PS tomorrow)
      Try to add a blanc map to noggit.
      Figure out Alpha mapping.
      Detail the map figure.
      Figure out how to get it in-game/ playable ( Wow compiled ??)

    2. (See 1 other reply to this status update)