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File Comments posted by jhoancito

  1. On 6/28/2023 at 10:41 AM, Gomb said:

    It's easy, as I pointed in the post: use the .bat file included for batch running the script


    You only need to place the m2 you want to flip, in the folder/subfolders of the script and run the .bat file, that'll flip the m2, then you have the model flipped.


    Going on from that, rename it to have _left or something in the name, and do all the dbc work you need to for it working ^^

    Where can I check if the m2 has actually changed 180 degrees?

  2. 7 hours ago, 00017144 said:

    Solo como un FYI, este no es un paquete 9.0.2, estos archivos ni siquiera se han modificado desde el 1/12/2017

    yo no dije que es un paquete lee bien amigo antes de comentar dije que lo actualizare en la expancion 9.0.2 me falta convertir y provarlo en 3.3.5 en otra lee bien o traducelo bien antes de comentar 

  3. I have an error download it all right insert well sql but the frames do not come out I put command ".learn mount ID does not come out to learn only em comes out as npc not as mount that I can be friends some solution to this problem