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Status Replies posted by jhoancito

  1. hola amigo puede decir como areclo la textura de una montura me sale de color blanco ya lo converti para worft 3.3.5 igual me sale blanco

    1. jhoancito


      How do I know the TXID, can you explain me please or do you have any guidance, please, I just need that to learn, I would appreciate it a lot if you would help me with that

    2. (See 5 other replies to this status update)

  2. hola amigo puede decir como areclo la textura de una montura me sale de color blanco ya lo converti para worft 3.3.5 igual me sale blanco

    1. jhoancito


      Well look when adding a bfa mount I convert it to 3.3.5 but I get the creature in white color, everything sometimes comes out some parts with its original colors as an example as a fox mount, the fox comes out in white not its original color

    2. (See 5 other replies to this status update)

  3. hola amigo puede decir como areclo la textura de una montura me sale de color blanco ya lo converti para worft 3.3.5 igual me sale blanco

    1. jhoancito


      Hello friend, can you tell me how do I get the texture of a frame white, I already converted it to worft 3.3.5, I still get white

    2. (See 5 other replies to this status update)