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File Comments posted by UltraNic

  1. Hello, I tried to convert "elwynntreecanopy04.m2" to Wotlk with the new textures from Legion. But unfortunately it didnt work :/
    I took whole folder "trees" where several other .m2/.skin and .blp files are located. After I put them into the converter I make a custom patch and put the files in there (I guess the converter saves the files from where I dragged them in for example the files are from "Legion 7.3.5/ClientFiles/Worl/Azeroth/Elwynn/PassiveDoodads/Trees" then they get saved in the same folder right?). Then I tried to look at them in the WMV for 3.3.5a (ofc after I put the custom patch in the 3.3.5a Data folder) but everytime I see the damn ugly old tree :/ I know it maybe sounds ridicoulos, but is there something like a "step-by-step" guide for this?