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Tutorial Comments posted by wungasaurus

  1. You asked the same thing yesterday on discord and I already answered:

    > I don't think adding world maps to WMO only maps is possible in TBC. I would probably convert that WMO only map to an ADT based one.

    Why do you ask the same question again, not even giving all information you have at once? Have you tried what I suggested?

  2. The last step is an incredibly bad idea: you're deleting random data in the file, which may even be the reason for your pitchfork disappearing. I suggest one of two different ways to fix that issue, the first being a untested guess, the second being guaranteed to work and not break things:

    • instead of modifying the data, modify the size of the string to zero: Set both FileNameX_length fields to 0.

    • instead of modifying existing data, point to correct data: you can do this in two ways:

    – find some byte in the model that's 0 (e.g. the 6th byte of pretty much every m2). Set both FileNameX_offset fields to that value.

    – at the end of the file, add a Byte being 0x00. Set both FileNameX_offset fields to the file size - 1, i.e. the just added byte.

  3. It contains various chunks. The list is on the wiki.

    Also, you can't simply does what OP said. The animation sequences are a bit different. Setting 2 bytes to 00 at (begin of sequence offset) + 0x1E in each sequence should do the trick.

    I written a command line converter tool that handle them pretty well. I'm fixing some bugs with Stan84 right now, it should be ready soon. Allowing retroporting AND "up-porting".

    what wiki do you mean? I can't find the thing you speak of in the second paragraph in the wiki linked on top

  4. The data this guide removes is the data for the models to work without file names. Removing it instead of adapting tools to use it is exactly the wrong way.

    The only reason this can work is that we still know the file names from the list files. In a precious alpha build there were actually models that crashed the client as there were no file names and the MD21 files weren't pushed yet (death skeletons mainly). So in order to fix a Legion alpha build before this one, one actually had to add what you guys are removing here in order to be able to play when a worgrn died next to you.

    I'm not sure if this will make it into Legion, but there isn't much left to completely drop file names as well as the hashes currently used for listfiles, finally forcing people to adapt, and as of what I know not even the two big datamining sites adapted yet. 


    It it would be a glorious day.