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Posts posted by drood182

  1. Great :) Can you also post the mount ones? Maybe a good solution for this would be to edit the PvP tiger model to remove the battle standard (or force transparency) because it uses two texture files so you could keep them at high resolution. You can see that the pvp mount has much better textures than the normal ones. But I cannot find any tools to edit vanilla models.

  2. By the way, I did some snooping around and found something. I wonder if you can confirm. Is it true that which weapons an NPC wields is determined 100% on the server side and cannot be edited? (unless on client side you change the looks of the model in every instance)

    I ask because I am kind of bothered by Scalding Broodlings' pickaxes. This could be an error on server side, but maybe they are supposed to wear some particular pick-axe item for some unknown reason, in which case it's an "error" that the new model has the ability to hold weapons. I am thinking about asking the server admins to look into it, but I am not sure if this is how it works.

    Another problem I've found with a model is that female nagas don't hold one-hand items (mace, dagger) properly. It's on the back of their hand, not in their hand:




  3. All of the new weapons look better than the original models. I say keep them all. People can delete the files they don't want.

    I also suggest, if it is impossible to change only Dagon to reverse the change because Deepstriders are common and Dagon is just one quest.

    I also think T2 generally looks great and isn't a high priority for replacement. If I had all the files, I would probably only replace warrior.

    But Uthil, I am conflicted about one thing. You modified the WoW.exe to enable the new gear models. Let's suppose this is OK with respect to anti-cheating measures, but.. I already use a modified version that enables 256 sound channels (see this: https://forum.twinstar.cz/showthread.php/94969-Question-about-a-modified-exe?p=741649&viewfull=1#post741649 ) Can you modify this .exe instead?


  4. Found a few more things:

    ZG raptor (not the mount, the boss; the mount is OK)




    Frostsaber tigers (No idea if mount is OK, haven't see one in a while):




    Yellow scorpids (grey face, also it has parts mixed with the red scorpid texture, like the tail):




    This moonkin model:




    Did you also replace chimaeras with the old model? I think the new model is much better, regardless of casting animation.

  5. Very nice! By the way, I noticed some fixes (no more black textures in some places) but I don't know if you did it or was it because I deleted WDB again. Anyway, three new things I noticed:

    Wings on bug trio have no texture, totally black (I can try new drivers, new WDB, re-entering instance, but if others have this problem, it might not be me).




    Spotted tiger mount has a black tail:




    White tiger mount has visible lines on hind legs:



    I also wonder if you could release the earth elementals separately, because they worked fine. Maybe there are also other elemental models that can be used instead (for fire, water, air), and not the ones you tried? Those can also be released as a separate patch. And lastly, you fixed the hyppogryph nest textures (for Night Elf flight masters), but isn't there also a new model available?

    • Like 1

  6. Happy to see the harpies fixed.

    I still do not understand what the hell was and is going on with batwing textures on my computer, can someone confirm that these wings look wrong?




    I am still wondering if there is hope for these two. Have they updated the models on Legion on retail?




    Here are a few more things I'd like to see. These don't involve model editing per se, but if you don't implement it, I'd appreciate if you, or anyone, could point me in the right direction. I think one can edit the .dbc files somehow to accomplish the following:

    - scale down the new infernal model

    - replace Baron Geddon, Pyroguard Emberseer, Lord Incendius and Overmaster Pyron with their original models without replacing all of the fire elementals (and since fire elementals have new models, maybe also change Baron Charr and his invaders to this same model i.e. change their texture to orange instead of lime).

    Of course, you would make a separate patch.MPQ with the new dbc files, but I don't know enough about their structure to understand what I am doing.



  7. I have since updated the drivers, deleted WDB and did a full reinstall once (I messed with the game a bit :P and had to fix it) and now the black bits on the wings are gone (I still get some textures as black in other places, but who knows if it's patch related). Anyway, the "normal" bats look ok now, but the noxious bats texture is weird (wrong colours)



    Is this what you fixed? By the way, the second model is the Gurubashi Bat Rider, and their wings are also OK now, I think.


    fakepanda, you are probably right, but still it wouldn't hurt to fix the magenta transparency in the sprite file eventually :)


  8. All my settings are maxed and every checkbox was checked. I experimented with checkboxes and deleted WDB and still couldn't get lava to work; the area around the black circle in the sprite is magenta. Actually, I don't know if even the circle is supposed to be there. At some point I might reinstall and report if it's any different.

    The new banshee when dead leaves a small puff of black smoke in the air.



    This is the wolf with bad texture:




    • Like 1

  9. Wings on the sprite dragon pet:




    Old textures on plagued whelps:




    I have a problem with bat wings, but it could be only me because even the old ones didn't work properly.




    Seems there's a bad sprite with Blackrock Mountain lava, I am not sure if this is because of the patch, but I have not seen this before.




    Also one of the fast wolf mounts still has the old texture, but I am not sure which one. Could be the pvp one?

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    This is the guy's casting animation, but the electricity that's supposed to be close to his head when he's casting chain lightning is not visible.




    This guy has a pickaxe for some reason:




    This guy's belt graphic is not loaded properly, it's just black.




    This guy is a bit too dark, he's supposed to blend with the snow. I know it's not a bug, and I might change it myself at some point, but if you ever have the time... it's something to have in mind:




    Are there any new models for these two? Because the other two are changed so now they look a bit off.




    These are small things, still. What would really make my day is if you fixed the tiger mount textures and finally all the player character models. And also, there should be a new male naga model in Legion, here is just female.

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  11. Hmm.. that was with "Vertex Animation Shaders" enabled. Actually, disabling it made some things better, but made some worse too (and also siege engine in the dwarf login screen looks bad if it's disabled). I haven't seen any problems of this kind in the game, however. So I guess it's not a big deal (and you can always change the login screens anyway).


  12. Yes, I am probably telling you things you already know :) but still... here's some screenshots I took earlier.

    The undead char screen has those beams there and some of them follow the flying bird and such.

    You can see what I mean with fire elementals. The fire effect is missing (they should be have some fire underneath them, like here: 1yLlcJ4kaTQ.jpg

    The shark is self explanatory.

    I don't know about the horse mount, just noticed that when the guy was summoned, but I haven't seen any epic horse mounts since then.





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  13. Great work, man. Really appreciate it. A few things I've noticed:

    - humans are actually in the patch (and there's some trouble with the hair texture appearing on the face and such)

    - epic tiger mounts are all screwed up, looks like they're using old textures

    - stationary hyppogryphs at flight masters have no eyes (a glowing texture issue, I suppose)

    - hammerhad shark also has messed up texture

    - Water and fire elementals look like they're "cut off", I think they are supposed to be floating on water and fire clouds (or smth like that) but nothing shows underneath them

    - some lightning issue on the undead character screen (floating particles are actually suspended on light beams, I don't know how else to describe it)

    This is much larger than I thought it would be. Have you thought about how you're going to update it? Make small separate patches or write step by step instructions on how to fix? Seems a waste to keep downloading 700mb each time.