Alastor Strix'Efuartus

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Posts posted by Alastor Strix'Efuartus

  1. Archimondea Rule 63

    Archimondea Rule 63 is another genderbend character where as name suggests I have picked Achimonde and turned him into a female
    Price:     15$    Archimondea

    archi3.gif archi4.gif
    archi1.gif archi2.gif



    I have also tried to play a bit with texture animation there 




    • Like 1

  2. when is Mmap/Vmap Extractor extracting NavMesh data its looking on Liquid Type if its Ocean then such region will be marked as area that server uses to give you exhaustion 
    so you should make all water around your island an water not ocean in noggit then extract maps and give it to server 

  3. Myssira The Elite Night Elf Sentinel

    This is just a sentinel from warfronts but with some extra edits the second model without custom edits 
    (Edits are extra elune sigil / Extra glaive / custom hair)


                                  Myssira                                     9$    Myssira

                Night Elf Sentinel Female                6$    Night Elf Sentinel Female

    Myssira + Night Elf Sentinel Female     13$ Myssira   Night Elf Sentinel Female

    Images 1 2 are Myssira
    images 3 4 are just sentinel

    sentinehlhair2.png sentinelhair.png
    2.gif 1.gif

  4. There is a texture flag for that called BodyOrCloth and afaik it uses CharSections dbc and puts cloth on top of that just like that I assume its hardcoded that troll / draenei / tauren feets are getting excluded from it but I could be wrong this is oddly specific region that I never investigated but UV editing or Texture Flags wont lead you to solution 

    Maybe there is a flag in CharSection DBC that defines that that very section cannot get armor on it try looking into that 

  5. Bel Peol V2

    Bel Peol is a anime inspired character that I have worked on 5 years ago but althou I finished the project I was not satisfied with the result and so I have now done a reimagination of the model and bring you remade version from scratch using brand new mechanism and skills

    Bel Peol has 3. Skins that can be used and its thanks to fact that she contains various geosets that can be turned on and off technicaly its safe to say that she has up to 6 variations possible where she will still look acceptable

    Price 20$ Bel Peol


    078.gif 079.gif
    085.gif 080.gif
    084.gif 083.gif
    081.gif 082.gif

    If you are going to buy this model pay attention to this information:
    all my previous models need only CreatureModelData and CreatureDisplayInfo DBCs and has hardcoded texture but BelPeol is using more advanced wow systems if you want to implement her correctly I have added a CSVs data for coresponding DBCs with working setups for displayIDs of Bel Peol