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Posts posted by Amaroth

  1. Personally probably not interested unless you need jsut Photoshop (not gonna ever install modding tools back again for way too many reasons), but I'd suggest at least some outline of what kind of project it is and what kind of work is expected. "I need help with DBCs, mainly spells" or "I need Noggit work" or "I need C++ coder for changes in the server emu".

    "It's an RP project" or "Making a PvP fun server" or "Making custom PvE dungeon/raid content"... you get the idea. Imagine a company hiring writing "we need a new employee". I mean, cool but... :D

  2. Game version? If we are talking 3.3.5a (and likely in other builds as well), the skirt is actually a texture type item, unless you want to actually edit the very geoset meshes on the character models, there is no job for you to perform in the 3D modelling department. All you need is create an item (world.item_template, Item.dbc), create a custom item displayID (ItemDisplayInfo.dbc) and make sure to set the item displayID's geosets correctly. For reference, use this: and literally any original blizzlike item which has a skirt on it.

  3. For the spells, not sure, has been too long to remember. Kaev's lead should be the right one though.

    I am posting to toss in one more thing regarding skills - note that there's which can forbid certain class and race combinations from learning skills. For that reason for example, you may have an issue with alliance races learning horde languages, and vice versa (or there are some other, class-specific skills, as well, such as weapon skills). So, if you choose to do this with skills as well, be aware of this thing. But that's more of a side note.

    • Thanks 1

  4. There's no code in DBC. DBC is effectively a database. There are 2 possible versions of loading screen - 4:3 and 16:9 (the optional wide variant). That's it. You'd have to change the game client's code to add bigger variety. I mean, you can probably make a 4:3 2048x1536 or 16:9 2048x1152 BLPs if you want higher res. That should work.

    Not entirely sure about what Vlad wrote, theoretically, a 1360x768 BLP should work, afaik any number which can be divided by 8 should (I may be wrong here though). But 1366 definitely won't ever work, that's a constraint imposed by the very BLP format structure.

  5. That's likely a part of Stormwind's WMO file. You'd need to edit the Stormwind's model, this is not topic for Noggit at all. Search for how to edit WMOs (and pray that you can open, edit and save such a huge model without issues).

  6. Palletized textures are used for textures applied directly to character models. Item "texturecomponents". Chest, gloves, legs, boots, wrists, belt. Not sure if they are also used for the character skin textures themselves as well, but iirc, yes. How to make them - open PNG in Photoshop, palletize it in it to 256 colors, convert to BLP, done. Or use BLP convertor's GUI feature which palletizes the PNG as part of the conversion, iirc there is some button in ribbon for "clothing textures" or something of sorts.

  7. The Barrens graveyard is default which is used if no other suitable one is found. Apart from server side maps (not really sure if re-generating does anything in this case, but it has been a long ass time since the last time I did this), make sure you updated DBC files in server's files as well (you did not mention doing that in the post) and you may also be able to find something in worldserver log file, if there is for example an issue with pairing some references.

  8. My experience with server side map extractors is that they do not correctly open all MPQs in search for Map.dbc. It's likely that the vmap extractor opens outdated Map.dbc, perhaps from the Locale folder. To prevent that from happening, I was putting my DBCs into Locale as well. I am not 100% sure about the specifics, but there was somewhere a tutorial for server side maps I wrote here.

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  9. Hey, in case you still wonder how to go about this, I went through how the WoW modding works in general here:

    It's really just a theoretical introduction, but should outline how things work in general and give you the required basics of what to look for next. If you want to recolor items, you will need to find their BLP texture filex by using WMV and/or their Item DBC files, and you will need to be able to make your own custom MPQ patch, and distribute it to your players. Best of luck!

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  10. Hi. There's a DBC file which makes sure the game has a minimap associated with a game (world/continent) map, and which also makes sure that the game shows the player position-indicating cursor on the right spot. I explained the way this works on WotLK hopefully in big enough detail here:

    Now, you still might have to face issues with exploration. Unfortunately, I never toyed with that, but I hope this should at least give you some entry to the following steps required. Best of luck!

    • Thanks 1

  11. On 22. 12. 2017 at 9:40 AM, Roccus said:

    Attack their service, spam them, flood their forums, there's multiple ways to attack them. And i don't expect anyone from RPH to help me since they are all like their admin. Just need to attack them again and again and again. We have all the time. And i know multiple modders that were on RPH before + I have know their reputation for months still it's not just me, my work / âtches anymore. They have clearly stated that we are all their little bitches and that we work for them. Then why not release fake patches with full virus or cancer for them or maybe encrypt archive with password with bullshit content into them. Flood them with request, flood their discord, flood their forum. There's multiple ways to attack.

    I absolutely hate and despise people who steal content of others and claim it to be their own.

    Guess what, I also absolutely hate and despise people who troll, re-create accounts after getting banned, attempt DoS attacks or even spread malware and try to damage work of GMs and fun of players on project just because they can or just because they don't like that particular project for any reason they find suitable.


    You want us to fight internet kid morons we despise and hate - by becoming internet kid morons we despise and hate? Isn't it obvious to you how ridiculously stupid and childish is thing you are asking of us?

  12. This project again, and this kind of "discussion" - again? As much as I feel for you Roccus (provided you deserve it and you are not telling us just part of story which is convenient for you - no offence meant, just realize that we are not informed enough to objectively judge), this doesn't lead anywhere. I am not really fan of "Just ignore idiots.". Thats very stupid and short-sighted statement if taken too literally, yes. Having said that, giving too much attention to idiots doesn't make things better, either. Everything with moderation. And there was already one topic about RPHeaven here and note that it is closed and moved to trash bin, and for some reason.

  13. All models attached to character are attached to certain point on character model. For example held items (weapons and such) are placed with their origin (pivot point, whatever you want to call it) into the middle of closed hand. You need to figure out where to place models in 3d so they are correctly placed on character model.

    Important bottom line: change scale, rotations and translation of model in 3d. No, you can't do really (feasibly) this with finished M2 model in 010.

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  14. That depends, a lot, on amount of players you are expecting, also on size of your world (or more importantly amount of server-side content - gameobjects, NPCs and so on). My configuration which worked more than fine for 100 players online in a single zone without any issues was following:

    60GB SSD
    2x 1.7GHz Xeon CPU core
    8GB RAM

    Note that 60GB of disc space is waaay more than you would ever possibly need to use. OS, TC, DB and regular backups can fit into 30GB, as long as your DB isn't really very large and you aren't keeping really lot of backups without clearing very old ones. RAM and CPUs were also handling themselves rather well and I wouldn't be surprised if this configuration was enough even for 200 players. But 100 were max I ever tested.

  15. I am czech. And people ignorant enough to call me russian are usually from USA, and I hate when they do so, as communistic times turned this into insult for me. But I know you probably just misremembered something, so its OK. Yes, provider I know is from czech, so not very suitable for hosting russian server - unneccessarily high ping time.

  16. It would be nice to have easy way of porting at least terrain geometry to some standart 3D format. Not long ago I made a castle and wanted it to match already existing and finished mountain in my map - so Noggit went first, modelling of building second. There was no real easy way of doing that, apart from just making some approximations based on screenshots.

    Now, to answer actual topic. If you want to have collisions working for NPCs so they are not falling through ground or charging/shooting through walls etc, you simply have to use terrain and WMOs only for building your dungeon. There is no way of making this work with M2s, unless you are running modified core+server side map extractors which are capable of including M2s correctly in vmaps and mmaps as well (no, I don't have such core/extractors). So build your dungeon as WMO model in 3D application and then use Blender WMO plugin to export that model as WMO. I highly recommend making multiple smaller buildings/caves with multiple interior parts first to learn how to do this correctly, starting with such an ambicios project like whole dungeon would easily turn into being just too much for newbie.

    I made series of videos about WMO plugin and WoW model creation in general on my channel. WMO ones are getting slightly outdated, but you can get up to date tutorial here:


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  17. It does work. The problem is that Noggit can't render particle effects, and thus models which are made only out of particle emitter(s) are invisible in it.

    Btw make sure that you can import models like trees/rocks or something different than fire/fog/smoke models, something what definitely should be visible in Noggit, to make sure that problem isn't in your WMV path configuration in Noggit's config file.


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