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File Comments posted by barncastle

  1. WDBX Editor

       3,244    41

    Thanks Amaroth, looks like I missed BloodLevel which set the rest of them wrong. I've updated this is on both projects changes can be found on the dev branch for the time being.

  2. WDBX Editor

       3,244    41

    6 hours ago, Uthil said:

    Found an issue when im trying to load vanilla CharacterFacialHairStyles.dbc . I get an the error:

    ERROR CharacterFacialHairStyles.dbc : Id column contains duplicates.

    This is on version v1.04, the new version is loading the dbc but it shows only one columns.

    Get the latest Vanilla definitions from here. Looks like this is another case of Blizzard not using a primary key in a DBC file.

    • Like 1
  3. WDBX Editor

       3,244    41

    12 hours ago, Asigiri said:

    The layout and design of this is spot on. Been wanting a replacement for my outdated editor and DBC viewer was a bit lacking and/or buggy. Working flawlessly with my WotLK dbc files...

    Thanks for the kind words. I've just released a new version that has a lot of work in regards to fixing issues with Legion formats, could you give it a go and see if the problem is resolved? 

    I'm no reverse engineer so people providing feedback and examples is invaluable to me; so don't hesitate to drop me a PM/issue on GitHub of any problems! 

    • Like 2
  4. Alpha WoW Emulator

       191    9

    7 minutes ago, Uthil said:

    No i dont mean me creating a server repack, if there was one or if its possible one to be made but yet to answer the question and thanks for providing a server repack. Not good on making mysql run.:D

    Not a problem! I literally just butchered the AlterWoW repack to make this so let me know if there are any issues.

  5. WDBX Editor

       3,244    41

    On 01/09/2016 at 7:43 PM, Skarn said:

    There are a few issues I have noticed during the use of this awesome tool. When you right click on a line, the context menu shows up only if you do it on the right, out of the cells. Would be good if it could appear anywhere like in Excel. If you open DBC by double clicking it opens each of them in new instance of WDBX editor. Sometimes it is bad, sometimes it is better, so it'd be good to have the ability to somehow swtich this. Ctrl + S always tries to save as but does not save directly for me. The saving works okay, it just always asks me to find the file where to save it. 

    Thanks Skarn. I appreciate the feedback as always!

    I've just pushed a lot of changes to a dev branch that should facilitate most of these things. Saving slipped through the net I meant to change that last release. The error looks like a cascaded event, I've put a primarily fix in but it's a pain to replicate so I'll keep looking.

    • Like 2
  6. WDBX Editor

       3,244    41

    15 hours ago, Skarn said:

    Great update. Really good job. When can we expect the source code by the way?

    I've had a busy week this week but my plan is to sort out the source and get it on github tomorrow provided nothing crops up.

    Edit: Added link to the source in the main description.

    • Like 3
  7. WDBX Editor

       3,244    41

    21 hours ago, Skarn said:

    I'd also like to have a button to add new line and to hide empty columns if it is possible.

    Not a problem! In regards to the add new line button what do you envisage this doing, something akin to a shortcut opposed to having to scroll to the end of the datagidview?

    • Like 2
  8. WDBX Editor

       3,244    41

    23 minutes ago, UncleChristiof said:

    As I see, DBC editing works perfect with WoD files. But I have a problem with opening the CreatureDisplayInfo.db2, however, I can simply open another db2's (ItemModifiedAppearence.db2 for example). I get this error only with CreatureDisplayInfo. 

      Reveal hidden contents



    This will be the definition not being right. I've a feeling that a lot of these will need amending, what I was doing was going into the DB2Structure.h file and copying the structures from there.

    Update: This is what the structure should be I think.

    <Table Name="CreatureDisplayInfo" Build="21742">
        <Field Name="m_ID" Type="int" IsIndex="true" />
        <Field Name="m_extendedDisplayInfoID" Type="int" />
        <Field Name="m_creatureModelScale" Type="float" />
        <Field Name="m_playerModelScale" Type="float" />	
        <Field Name="m_textureVariation" Type="int" ArraySize="3" />
        <Field Name="m_portraitTextureName" Type="string" />
        <Field Name="m_portraitCreatureDisplayInfoID" Type="int" />
    	<Field Name="m_creatureGeosetData" Type="int" />
    	<Field Name="m_stateSpellVisualKitID" Type="int" />
    	<Field Name="m_instanceOtherPlayerPetScale" Type="float" />
    	<Field Name="ModelID" Type="ushort" />
    	<Field Name="SoundID" Type="ushort" />
    	<Field Name="NPCSoundID" Type="ushort" />
    	<Field Name="ParticleColorID" Type="ushort" />
    	<Field Name="ObjectEffectPackageID" Type="ushort" />
    	<Field Name="AnimReplacementSetID" Type="ushort" />
    	<Field Name="CreatureModelAlpha" Type="byte" />
    	<Field Name="SizeClass" Type="byte" />
    	<Field Name="BloodID" Type="byte" />
    	<Field Name="Flags" Type="byte" />
    	<Field Name="Gender" Type="byte" />
    	<Field Name="Unk700" Type="byte" />    


    • Like 2
  9. WDBX Editor

       3,244    41

    Thanks both for the comments. I've never looked into default file association before however I'll see what I can do.

    In terms of features listed, I've tested as best as I can but if anyone finds issues/bugs/sticking points let me know and I'll look into it. For Legion support, it is potentially fragile in the terms that I've figure out how they work using math alone (I'm no reverse engineer) so may potentially need tweaking later down the line. Everything it reads and saves is a byte for byte copy currently so fingers crossed.

    • Like 1
  10. Alpha WoW Emulator

       191    9

    3 minutes ago, Skarn said:

    Sounds cool. Where did you get DB for Alpha?

    It's based off of Mangos 1.12.1 meaning a large amount of items and mobs are incorrect however it was more of a test to see if I could leverage an existing database (and what actually stayed the same). I did also cross check information from Beta server databases I found online in an attempt to clean it up.