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Posts posted by Aumex

  1. This is a Follow up post for a bit of showcase as to what is apart of this repack. I'll leave a small Guide here as well as some in-game screenshots to show a small bit of what's to come inside this repack.


    To start, the pack contains all of the shown files above when first downloaded. You want to get those patches into your data folder first. The WoW.Exe isn't really needed, But if any issues occur, just use the one provided.


    Once we have these patches in the Data folder like so.  You want to go back to the original folder and start up the MySQL server. 




    Once this step is done' You'll want the Auth and World Servers to be opened.




    Once you see that everything is booted up and running, To make yourself a new account that has GM permissions inside the world server type the following

         acc create test test

    This will make an account with the username of Test and password of Test. To set GM permissions type the following.

         acc set gmlevel test 3 -1

    Also, do not forget to set your realmlist to 

          set realmlist

    For those who use HeidiSQL or Navicat Database handlers.

    Port - 3306

    IP -

    Username - root

    Password -  ascent

    Basic TC login for DB.

    When logging in for the first time the login screen should appear as so.


    Now you're ready to enjoy the repack! Here's some things to experience along the way.
    Custom Starting Area, Contains TMOG Vendors, Trainers, custom made level 80-85 start from the quest giver with 10 unique starting quest for each class. Paladin,Shaman etc etc..


    Transmog NPC I believe it requires the .lookup item Transmog   - token to be able to use' or its just gold. I forget.


    Many of Vendors for each type of weapon and armor type., mounts and spellvisuals. These are not everything from every expansion, this is mainly the things that have interested me to myself personally' if I thought it was cool I downported it' or at least tried to. 


    .tele test contains a plethora of models to choose from SL included, a lot error in this revision of the pack, but the majority work.     -    Same statement as above' 


    and beautiful Draenor at just .tele draenor  - Cant take credit for this map either' I'm not sure who made it tbh' but it was given to me to download by a man named cronic if memory serves correct.



    I hope this will suffice as a decent enough guide to get it running on your own PC if you're new. Also i hope everyone can enjoy at least 1 part of this pack in anyway. Have fun and Mod on!

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  2. Hello, my name is James but I usually go by Aumex. I wanted to release my old repack for you all. 

    This said repack contains a plethora of Creature downports ranging from Shadowlands to Cata to 3.3.5.
    There isn't all weapons and shields, but there's a random amount from each expansion. It was mainly just ones I thought were cool. 
    There's some game objects as well, just random ones. Bunches of mounts made as spells, vendors placed in the starting/mall area thingy I thought was interesting.

    I don't quite remember much else' The patches are inside and available for opening. It comes with its Portable SQL and No there isn't a source included, also will not be selling it. 
    I hope everyone can enjoy some part of it at least' Have fun!

    Also I posted here because it wouldn't let me select "Releases" So I wasn't sure on that part.

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