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Posts posted by Zarkeven

  1. looks like something in the ADT got messed up

    either that or a big/old alpha click happened in noggit


     don't click those buttons if you are making custom maps. they go through the entire WDT


  2. definitely seems like  the ADT was on the edge of a terrain cut from the wow devs, use this ADT as the template ADT. It shouldn't do that.  



    Edit: ADT error wasnt a good way to put that, so made my wording better.

  3. 1. what version of noggit are you using?

    2. the textures you would want to use varies on what you would want in that zone

    3. i would suggest just messing around, getting a feel for how noggit does certain things before you get into any serious projects

    4. to mess with terrain its Shift+ left mouse to  raise terrain, and ctrl+ left click to lower terrain, shown below