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Everything posted by Zarkeven

  1. Version 1.0.0


    Most WMOs from cata to BFA ported to 3.3.5a working on WMV version 7.0.1 r206 32bit: 64bit: Due to IRL problems, this project has been discontinued. There will be no more updates to this unless needed. To report a WMO that isnt working, please send to this email address: subject: modelname (ex.6or_garrisontower01.wmo) in message: explain what happens when you try to load it into WMV, noggit, or in-game patch m- Cataclysm patch n- Mists of Pandaria patch o- Warlords of Draenor patch p- Legion patch q- Battle for Azeroth
  2. Version 0.6


    Here is a map i've been working on for the past 6+ months, it is an island scrapped in legion called "Thal'dranath". It was on the Broken Isles map for the first few builds of the legion alpha until it was removed, and was never seen again. The map is now on Github! It will keep more up to date on there than on mcnet. I need zone name suggestions! Please either comment some or DM me on discord some! REQUIRED FOR THIS MAP: Cata+ Tilesets Cata+ m2s and WMOs (WMOs are previously released by me) (if you have any links for these, please let me know) Map Size:9x8 ADTs This map is still in active development, and things will change, but you have my full permission to use or edit it however you like. If you have any suggestions, please either send it to me on discord (Zarkeven#0001) or send a comment here.
  3. It can! Everything is saved to the WOTLK format.
  4. Version 1.0.0


    I edited the script that copied chunk terrain and texture data and added vertex shading to it.
  5. Version 1.2


    1. Thanks to Tester in the modding discord for helping make this happen! 2. To make this work, you have to make a folder MPQ, like this, a tutorial will be at the end. - put your map that you want to edit in real time to this folder - put the .exe in where your normal wow.exe is - set your noggit project path to your folder patch - log in to your server - teleport to your map - make changes in noggit, then save - Load out of the map then load back in with this macro (thanks Skarn for telling me about this): .tele gmisland .recall - your changes should be there! HOW TO SET UP A FOLDER MPQ 1. Create a folder in the Data directory of your wrath of the lich king install. 2. Name that folder Patch-(A-Z,1-9).MPQ, i.e. Patch-F.mpq
  6. it is explained that it has to be named patch-(1-9 or A-Z).MPQ in the tutorial section on how to make the folder MPQ
  7. Thanks for using my map as the inspiration! just please credit my original work
  8. great models, love using them, one small visual bug though. in game, the texture of the tops of the support logs are misaligned on the inn
  9. Zarkeven

    ThalDranath Overview Progress

    Progress of the overhead view on Thal'Dranath