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Posts posted by highlord

  1. Hello everyone !

    I've been working on a two player chess game that has the same rules like a real chess. First time it was meant for a fun private server that I wanted to launch, but I cancelled it, so I would like to sell this. It works for AzerothCore and TrinityCore 7.3.5(only).
    As for the special moves, only en passant works !
    SQLs are included.
    Support provided, if you have any question feel free to contact me !

    Here is the presentation video:




  2. On 4/10/2019 at 7:32 AM, wungasaurus said:

    You want to look at the M2‘s „events“ block: https://wowdev.wiki/M2#Events


    Likely there is a $SND that plays on the MountSpecial track which directly has the ID as data. There might also be a different event that triggers the sound, without data set, meaning it is referenced via CreatureSoundData, which is referenced by CreatureDisplayInfo.

    $SND event doesn't working for mounts. 


    Use WDBX editor, it helps you in DBC editing. https://github.com/WowDevTools/WDBXEditor

  3. 13 hours ago, Serifaz said:

    nvm it is. I bought it, and this is literally the best tool for m2 creation to date(at least until skarns tool is out). Highly suggest getting it.

    Someone up this guys rank, should not be just considered a newbie.

    Thanks man ! I am glad that you found the tool useful.

    It could be much better if I could make the animations working properly, but those transform  matrices  in blender python was too advanced for me.