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Posts posted by Leyvinsh

  1. Yes, that sounds reasonable. But if we assume that UV is still not broken. Then I'm not sure if I ever found a Blending texture in the paths, and even more so I don't know where and how it is superimposed on a regular texture.

  2. Hello, when I had to work with cataclysm + models, I noticed that designers make materials that have two textures in order to make the transition softer.
    Let's take wildhammer_base as an example, and its roof. And also my experience that uses the same material. The question is, what is wrong in my case if the scan is still not broken?image.thumb.png.f6e13636d96feced6222a0576fe6db8d.pngimage.png.9ec39685e8c8a364ed47f877f248418e.pngimage.png.441065a296398a1fd503eb4dec4bb304.png

  3. I have a dream to make a server in which I can throw models and edit landscape. But I do not know the main nuances: what server client, how to load models like their own and from Bfa for example, or how to make non-standard items? Or at least load the server into an online mode?
    I hope my English understood?