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Posts posted by dashker

  1. On 11/8/2018 at 11:14 AM, Kelzano said:

    Usually, the back of the head is the most left or right part of the front of the head, they just circle the texture around the model, for example, the back of the head of your Vulpera should be right here.


    Try using a program like paint or GIMP or even photoshop, modify the PNG file and see what happens when you place it on your model. If it's not there, then it is the top left part of the texture that you highlighted, so you just have to modify it instead.

    but how i can paint it? xD

  2. On 2/8/2018 at 6:09 PM, Gurluas said:

    Try using the Vulpera from the early alpha, might be more similar to Legion?

    but how i can add in the head one extra texture, i mean, i want to put the back of the head but i don't know how to split the head how i can do it?

  3. 12 hours ago, Kelzano said:

    This problem comes from BfA, according to Marlam who I spoke to : "Most tools dealing with m2s will have issues in BfA, Some file format changes regarding how textures are referenced which tools that aren't updated know how to deal with"


    This being said, I'm waiting patiently for Skarn's WMO/M2 addon to be out, but for now, we're pretty stuck, maybe checking the .skin files since it's in those files that the info you need is stored ?

    but how i can split a UV to put it at another Image

  4. Hello guys i am having problems verting Vulpera to WOTLK, i am trying to convert it from m2i to m2 but i am having this trouble



    Also i am having a problem when i try to wrap the rear part of the head that i has to go at the 00_00_extra file



  5. 5 minutes ago, UltraNic said:

    What a great looking tool! Looking forward for this, this will save a lot of time :)

    i am trying to make it really easy to work with, cause everyone can't know all about the dbc, so i need to do it right, but i need more developers, i can't do it, every DBC myself so... help is welcome

    • Like 3

  6. Changelog

    Do you want to see any change that i do?

    Here is your site, i will explain the new changes in the source.


    • 04/08/2016
      • Finished Race Editor
      • Thinking and painting in a paper the Bitmask Editor
      • Every single label is not translated rgiht now i will do it tonight, i have to make the translations
      • I only do English and spaniss translations, translators are requested



    • 09/08/2016
      • CharBaseInfo done!  - Done by Westtunger
      • CharStartOutfit [Work in Progress] - Dashker and Westtunger 
        • Thanks for prividing me the right way to develop and leran more things :D, you are a genius!


    • Like 3

  7. 1 hour ago, Hyakkimaru said:

    You should pick some code from here, it may help you


    I'm not a developer but if just a repo can help you...

    i take this code and make a playground, to understand this code but i think it's a pretty good code, is my idea but better done, i have my own dbc reader and writer, but the difference is that i done manually to add or replace or remove a record, and the world editor library is doing by itself and it's more easyier, so save my time :D i think i can code a perrty good tool right now, the only thing i need is my fucking system translator working :( my algorith is not correct :( 

  8. Hey everyone!, i need help with my tool, is developed in C#.

    My Tool consist in a Visual DBC + DB editor

    So for example, when do you add a new model for a weapon the program it will do all your job in the database.


    Things to implement:

    • ChrClasses
    • All items DBC
    • Skills/Spells DBC
    • DB/Server Bridge
    • Another Wanted DBC Files

    The code is shit i know it and i have to do more objects i know it

    Apart from this... Help is wanted, but only developers.

    Feel free to comment in this post.

    • Like 3

  9. 1 minute ago, Met@ said:

    Oh, yeah, I forgot to mention that the file needs 7zip to be extracted, only 7zip.

    i don't work too it tel''s me that the file it can't be opened