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Tutorial Comments posted by Thoraric

  1. Can you tell me, how did you import the wmo into blender with working texture?
    I have to set it to solid to see texture. I already put the exported blp-s png-s next to the wmo file with path preserved and without it,but not working.
    What I see is the black model.I thought If i load game data and then import it, will solve problem, but it didn't.

  2. Im running Mangos server.  and tried to extract mmaps, vmaps but there occured a problem when it started to extract my custom maps? I put everything into patch-3 and also the dbc-s. what could be the problem? I get the extractor from modcraft, is there any avaiable modded extractor?

    on the picture you can see the error, something like "flag" error, what is this? I would be more than grateful if you could help me to solve this!!
